how to start an independent alumni association discussion


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2008
How might this be done? I'll throw out a couple of ideas here, just to hopefully get some discussion going.

-Some sort of crowdfunding effort, asking alums for a small contribution, with the idea that a non-profit corporation will be formed and contributing alums would be shareholders. Perhaps make it a defined amount, and limited so each contribution equals one voting share?

-Same general idea, but have a few wealthy contributors kickstart it with larger contributions?
How might this be done? I'll throw out a couple of ideas here, just to hopefully get some discussion going.

-Some sort of crowdfunding effort, asking alums for a small contribution, with the idea that a non-profit corporation will be formed and contributing alums would be shareholders. Perhaps make it a defined amount, and limited so each contribution equals one voting share?

-Same general idea, but have a few wealthy contributors kickstart it with larger contributions?
The "nuts and bolts" are relatively simple and straightforward (set up a non-profit, solicit seed money)

The serious stuff begins with defining the parameters and issues . Is this an association the will represent PSU Alum interests in Harrisburg and Washington (i.e. Lobbying)?
Is this going to be a communications/ community "feel good" organization?
Is it going to be a fundraising organization to underwrite certain "causes", and if so, which ones?
Etc etc etc etc

All of those are the difficult and contentious questions - and everyone is going to have different priorities
It would likely be labeled as an underground organization. But seriously, the chances would be good the university would not allow such a group to use any copyrights or trademarks owned by Penn State. Could the official name even include the words "Penn State"? The university would use every tactic at its disposal to push an independent organization away so as to reduce its influence.
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The "nuts and bolts" are relatively simple and straightforward (set up a non-profit, solicit seed money)

The serious stuff begins with defining the parameters and issues . Is this an association the will represent PSU Alum interests in Harrisburg and Washington (i.e. Lobbying)?
Is this going to be a communications/ community "feel good" organization?
Is it going to be a fundraising organization to underwrite certain "causes", and if so, which ones?
Etc etc etc etc

All of those are the difficult and contentious questions - and everyone is going to have different priorities
I agree.

My view would be that it would primarily be the voice of the alumni to the University- since there currently is none. That would require that it engage in fundraising, and that it pull future donations away from the current association.
I think it could overtake the "real" alumni association in active membership in its first year. 15,000 people are voting for the ps4rs slate for board of trustees. Cocco got 500 votes (a number so pathetic that psu wouldn't even release it). Obviously the people the are voting hate what the "alumni asscoation" and their lackeys are doing. It'd be very feasible to make this new group more important than the old one. Alumni membership doesn't get you anything anyway. It's just a lame graduation gift. Any grad would rather have the $500 or whatever instead of getting junk mail for life
I think it could overtake the "real" alumni association in active membership in its first year. 15,000 people are voting for the ps4rs slate for board of trustees. Cocco got 500 votes (a number so pathetic that psu wouldn't even release it). Obviously the people the are voting hate what the "alumni asscoation" and their lackeys are doing. It'd be very feasible to make this new group more important than the old one. Alumni membership doesn't get you anything anyway. It's just a lame graduation gift. Any grad would rather have the $500 or whatever instead of getting junk mail for life
I'm afraid it won't be nearly that easy - - there is a ginormous amount of momentum and latent ballast that allows the PSUAA to continue on and I am sure that holds for a lot of other AA throughout the country)

I do think - as you do - that it IS possible, and would be a GREAT idea ........ But it will take a lot of work (and some time)
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The "nuts and bolts" are relatively simple and straightforward (set up a non-profit, solicit seed money)

The serious stuff begins with defining the parameters and issues . Is this an association the will represent PSU Alum interests in Harrisburg and Washington (i.e. Lobbying)?
Is this going to be a communications/ community "feel good" organization?
Is it going to be a fundraising organization to underwrite certain "causes", and if so, which ones?
Etc etc etc etc

All of those are the difficult and contentious questions - and everyone is going to have different priorities

"Nuts and bolts" not all that simple. Putting together such an organization and running it is a full time job, almost certainly for more than one person. Ultimately, you are going to need a lot of people to invest a lot of time to get this up and running. And don't overlook the comments that NittPicker made above.
It would likely be labeled as an underground organization. But seriously, the chances would be good the university would not allow such a group to use any copyrights or trademarks owned by Penn State. Could the official name even include the words "Penn State"? The university would use every tactic at its disposal to push an independent organization away so as to reduce its influence.
I'm sure you're right- but resistance can always be overcome. I'd wager that they couldn't block something like "Independent Organization of Alumni of The Pennsylvania State University" if membership was limited to Penn State alumni. Obviously thy own a database that they would never let go of- so this would be a grassroots effort.
The "nuts and bolts" are relatively simple and straightforward (set up a non-profit, solicit seed money)

The serious stuff begins with defining the parameters and issues . Is this an association the will represent PSU Alum interests in Harrisburg and Washington (i.e. Lobbying)?
Is this going to be a communications/ community "feel good" organization?
Is it going to be a fundraising organization to underwrite certain "causes", and if so, which ones?
Etc etc etc etc

All of those are the difficult and contentious questions - and everyone is going to have different priorities

Who you going to blame when things don't go your way?