However things go today


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2017
I’m grateful for this corner of the world. It’s plenty fun just being a Penn State Wrestling Fan, but this community makes it feel like a family affair; with maybe just a few more crazy uncles than your average family, BWI actually gives me hope that what divides us is so much less than who we are as a community and nation.

Hope you all voted or are doing so, and know that even if the wrong guy wins this week, I’m still super happy about wasting time here with you all.
Keep on rock'n in the free world

This may be the only chance you get to vote for the Birthday Party. Don't be a heathen, 2-party slave. Vote Kanye.

Because God never spoke to any of you and told you to be the leader of the free world.

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I’m grateful for this corner of the world. It’s plenty fun just being a Penn State Wrestling Fan, but this community makes it feel like a family affair; with maybe just a few more crazy uncles than your average family, BWI actually gives me hope that what divides us is so much less than who we are as a community and nation.

Hope you all voted or are doing so, and know that even if the wrong guy wins this week, I’m still super happy about wasting time here with you all.
Didn’t know there was a right guy this year
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Reactions: RD41 and Str8DBLz
I’m grateful for this corner of the world. It’s plenty fun just being a Penn State Wrestling Fan, but this community makes it feel like a family affair; with maybe just a few more crazy uncles than your average family, BWI actually gives me hope that what divides us is so much less than who we are as a community and nation.

Hope you all voted or are doing so, and know that even if the wrong guy wins this week, I’m still super happy about wasting time here with you all.
Nerfstate, Thank you for your post. I concur wholeheartedly. I joined this community this year after following it religiously for many years. I really appreciate this community of wrestling fans and I have been heartened by the general good nature of most of the posters. I also appreciate how fellow posters and the mods have kept this Forum headed in the right direction by not allowing trolls or those who wish to sow discord within the community from running amuck.