I hate Christian Laettner. But I also hate the Fab Five

The fab five were a disgrace. A stain on um. One of many.
Why do people hate CL? 2 NC's, 11,000+ points in NBA, no legal problems

Committed father and husband... and more points scored in NCAA tourney than anyone else. I could never understand it. Seems to me like an incredible role model.
Because he was a damn good WHITE basketball player

Who was a little cheap, nasty and tough. Talked a little smack. Telling it like it is.
Re: Why do people hate CL? 2 NC's, 11,000+ points in NBA, no legal problems

Google his business exploits with Brian Davis.
Yes, that's why. Typical Boston fan. *

Telling it like it is. **** you. T
This post was edited on 3/15 11:38 PM by raleighnclion
Re: Why do people hate CL? 2 NC's, 11,000+ points in NBA, no legal problems

Jealousy, white guilt, and racism are three reasons of the top of my head.
Re: Why do people hate CL? 2 NC's, 11,000+ points in NBA, no legal problems

Article I found was from 2012 and brings up serious allegations. However, CL has been hated for a long time before this development.
As a White athlete growing up in Reading, I loved Larry Bird, rooted for Duke and hated the Lakers, UNLV and The Fab Five. That's just how it was. I was always seen as the whiteboy so I resembled that in my fandom. Anyone who rooted for those other guys was a wannabe in my opinion. That's just how I saw it as a kid in my circumstances and I doubt I was alone.
Re: That was a stupid comment

Originally posted by psuro:
During the kentucky-arkansas game yesterday, the announcers mentioned the "I Hate Laettner" show as they showed kentucky fans wearing those shirts. They obviously talked about his clutch shot to beat kentucky in the tournament, but then they talked about how he stepped on a player. It quickly struck me that I remembered Laettner for those two things after all these years. He was a great college player and played several years in the NBA, but I remember him for the clutch shot and for stepping on a player.

I don't buy into the whole white thing, but Laettner is remembered by many people as a dirty player, fair or not.
It sort of blew me away some of the things that basically the entire arena's at certain places would chant at him. If something like that stuff that went on @ LSU occurred in a game today?! Just stunning. It was a while back and I was just getting into sports but I don't remember anything like that at any sporting event. Laettner just said F YOU then destroyed those crowds.
Did you watch the show?.....of 5 reasons to hate him, being white was one

as with many 30/30 productions, this was well done
In the end, great players typically polarize fans. Larry Bird, Shaq, Kobe, Lebron, etc...people either loved them or hated them. Very rate for great players to be universally well liked in the NBA. Magic and Jordan and Duncar are a few that come to mind in the more modern era.

Laettner was the best all around college BBall player and career there was. Look at the numbers and what his teams did. If you ever saw him play, he was dominating at times. Take Frank Kaminski at Wiscy but a better outside shot, better off dribble, and better defender. And competitive as they come. I hated him when he played because during that era you either hated Duke or loved them, there was no in between.
Because he played for Duke and the clock operator gave him....

...enough time to juke eight different times, take a few dribbles, and pump fake -- All in 2.1 seconds -- before taking the shot.

Oh, and he looks like a coddled, pretty-boy dork:

Those are my guesses. :)
The Fab 5 were HUGE where I grew up...

I was in middle school into Jr High in South Jersey during the Fab 5 era. You've never seen so many white boys with shaved heads, baggy shorts and black shoes. And those who didn't shave their heads had the MC Search flat top...for those who could pull it off. White dudes were wearing Malcom X medallions after Spike's Lee's Do The Right Thing came out. It was a time I'll never forget.

None of us liked Duke or Laettner. Laettner didn't seem "cool" or "hip". Ironically he was a hip hop/rap listener himself who was best friends with a black guy.
This post was edited on 3/16 12:16 PM by PSURAHJ
Did you watch it?

That was the theme of those who hated him. Some admitted it. Like Jalen Rose. Others couched it by saying he wasn't hip? WTF does that mean?
I hate Kentucky basketball a helluva lot more than Laettner.

They've been paying kids forever. Even get caught. No biggie. 10k in a FedEx envelope to a recruit in LA. Kevin Grevey told SI he gott 500 bucks for a win and 375 if they lost.
Some people can't handle the truth.

That's what most of the people interviewed said. Too white and not hip. Same reason many white Americans didn't like Fab Five. Too black for Ray and Norma in Peoria.
Re: Some people can't handle the truth.

Laettner is one of the best college basketball players ever, probably top five. People didn't dislike Grant Hill as much and he was more talented. Hurley was not liked but he was not nearly the player Laettner was. Race definitely had something to do with it. BTW, he legitimately got that shot off against Kentucky at the Spectrum. It's not like he ran with the ball to get into position, it was a great pass and play. TCF, I assume you were joking with your comments. Laettner definitely came off as a weird guy though but is that really uncommon in sports?
I honestly never heard anyone say he was "too white"....

...(or anything about his skin color) until today. I also never heard anything said about the Fab Five's skin color either.

Maybe I was living a too-sheltered life in the sticks of PA at that time. But anyway, my point was that I "hated" him too, and it couldn't have had less to do with skin color than it did.
Re: Some people can't handle the truth.

And if Pitino didn't have his head up his ass and put someone over the ball so Hill couldn't throw such an easy pass we wouldn't be talking about "the shot."
Re: I honestly never heard anyone say he was "too white"....

Originally posted by thecoolestfish:
...(or anything about his skin color) until today. I also never heard anything said about the Fab Five's skin color either.

Maybe I was living a too-sheltered life in the sticks of PA at that time. But anyway, my point was that I "hated" him too, and it couldn't have had less to do with skin color than it did.
Name some other players you have "hated" over the years? If you think they got extra time on that play, I would agree, you definitely lived "too-sheltered" of a life.
Sports fans hate players because of the team they are on.

I hated Kelly Tripucka because of his teeth and the fact he went to ND. Not crazy about his hair either:) The Laettner hate went beyond that.
Re: Sports fans hate players because of the team they are on.

Reggie Williams from Gtown...couldn't stand that POS....Jalen Rose...still...refuse to listen to that racist pig...
Re: Sports fans hate players because of the team they are on.

Originally posted by bkmtnittany1:
Reggie Williams from Gtown...couldn't stand that POS....Jalen Rose...still...refuse to listen to that racist pig...
Reggie hit Chuck Everson in the face right before halftime in the 1985 title game, what a punk move.

No doubt, a top 5 (ever) college career. Family man, I'll take

you're word for it. I don't know yea or nay, but it sounds plausible.

Still, the guy was an absolute douchebag on the court. Hell, he never should have even still been in that Kentucky game to make the last second shot after stomping the opposing player.

I mean, if you're gonna really just counting the off-field stuff re: character, Matt Cooke is one of the best citizens in pro sports ... but I doubt that you would buy that (I know I don't)
Isn't it common knowledge and actually released in the papers a while back that the Fab 5 all took money while in college?