Our biggest National Security threat is "Climate Change"?????????
Putin, Isis, and the Iranians are probably pouring money into the Bernie Sanders campaign as we speak. All those guys except Webb would hand Alaska to the Russians on a silver platter.
Felt sorry for Webb. He was the only sane one on the stage. And Chaffee???? Forget Alaska. He'd probably hand the West Coast and Texas to the Mexicans. That guy is borderline insane.
Trump looks better and better every day. If Hillary actually gets indicted, the Second Team for the Dems are the most loony bunch of Saturday Night Live cartoon characters I have ever seen.
Putin, Isis, and the Iranians are probably pouring money into the Bernie Sanders campaign as we speak. All those guys except Webb would hand Alaska to the Russians on a silver platter.
Felt sorry for Webb. He was the only sane one on the stage. And Chaffee???? Forget Alaska. He'd probably hand the West Coast and Texas to the Mexicans. That guy is borderline insane.
Trump looks better and better every day. If Hillary actually gets indicted, the Second Team for the Dems are the most loony bunch of Saturday Night Live cartoon characters I have ever seen.