I take back what I said about Rutgers fans...

Wow, I did not know Rutgers Fans like that actually exist. Is he a just an anomaly?
I really hope not, I'm half tempted to ask if it's someone like MK over there with an alias but hey, I'm not one to judge, Keep fighting the good fight sir!
There are good Rutgers people as there are Pitt. Just not many on the Lair.
I happen to live in New Jersey AND there is no such thing as a "Rutgers" fan :) I know a great many Rutgers graduates and most care nothing about college sports, mostly pro fans. Keep in mind NJ is really a suburb of NY and Philadelphia. TONS of pros sports.

Actually, I think being in the Big 10 will change that over time :) Having PSU, Michigan, OSU, Nebraska come to town is BIG TIME. Prior to that? Louisville? Pttt? WVU? Not quite the same.
Originally posted by dawgduice:
I happen to live in New Jersey AND there is no such thing as a "Rutgers" fan :) I know a great many Rutgers graduates and most care nothing about college sports, mostly pro fans. Keep in mind NJ is really a suburb of NY and Philadelphia. TONS of pros sports.

Actually, I think being in the Big 10 will change that over time :) Having PSU, Michigan, OSU, Nebraska come to town is BIG TIME. Prior to that? Louisville? Pttt? WVU? Not quite the same.
Haha, I was at the game this year in Piscataway and I can assure you that yes, there are definitely rutgers fans, haha just wish more of them were like this guy. What's really funny is if you read far enough back, he mentions being banned on his own board for standing up to the idiots over there... Well done sir and I WILL be adapting his movement that all the idiot Pitt, rutgers, syracuse, etc fans who constatly harp on PSU are the actual CULT members with delusional thoughts and hopes. I can't beleive am about to say this but THANK YOU UNKNOWN RUTGERS FAN!
I judge a fan base on its totality, not one or two examples. From what I

have seen so far, the Rutgers fan base is vile. In the BigTen, only Iowa is worse. Certainly not every Rutgers fan is worthy of contempt, but it's been my experience that most are. This guy is an exception. When the exception proves the rule, I will change my opinion.

This post was edited on 4/6 8:39 PM by fairgambit
Re: I judge a fan base on its totality, not one or two examples. From what I

Originally posted by fairgambit:
have seen so far, the Rutgers fan base is vile. In the BigTen, only Iowa is worse. Certainly not every Rutgers fan is worthy of contempt, but it's been my experience that most are. This guy is an exception. When the exception proves the rule, I will change my opinion.

This post was edited on 4/6 8:39 PM by fairgambit
Whatsup bro? haha in seriousness, I can't stand what you guys are doing to us in recruiting, but that's the ONLY reason I give you a hard time. I guess you could call me a lone wolf, whole family grew up Penn State Fans in Central Jersey, I went to Rutgers because they offered scholorships and in state tuition. And yes, I was in fact banned on my own board because I told a couple of posters that we didn't deserve to call PSU our rival yet and bam! Looking forward to playing you guys next year and yes, you'll probably kick our ass but hey, if I happen to be the fan sitting next to you I will never tell, but I would ask that if our fans go into your stadium and are respecful, that they receive the same courtesy.

Here's to a successful and injury free season for both of our squads!
Re: I judge a fan base on its totality, not one or two examples. From what I

Originally posted by RUsmrtrthna5thgrdr:
Originally posted by fairgambit:
have seen so far, the Rutgers fan base is vile. In the BigTen, only Iowa is worse. Certainly not every Rutgers fan is worthy of contempt, but it's been my experience that most are. This guy is an exception. When the exception proves the rule, I will change my opinion.
Whatsup bro? haha in seriousness, I can't stand what you guys are doing to us in recruiting, but that's the ONLY reason I give you a hard time. I guess you could call me a lone wolf, whole family grew up Penn State Fans in Central Jersey, I went to Rutgers because they offered scholorships and in state tuition. And yes, I was in fact banned on my own board because I told a couple of posters that we didn't deserve to call PSU our rival yet and bam! Looking forward to playing you guys next year and yes, you'll probably kick our ass but hey, if I happen to be the fan sitting next to you I will never tell, but I would ask that if our fans go into your stadium and are respecful, that they receive the same courtesy.

Here's to a successful and injury free season for both of our squads!
You are clearly one of the exceptions. What most Rutgers fans apparently don't understand is that you can be BIG RIVALS (someday perhaps........OK, never, but I digress) and still be respectful. While our schools are not rivals in the traditional sense, the Alabama fans I have met, both here and in person, come to mind. Most Rutgers fans I've observed act like petulant children. Perhaps their behavior will improve over time, but I am not optimistic.
Great Job RUsmrtr!!!! I too am banned from the rutgers rivals forum because I didn't take to kindly to being called an "enabler". If you make it out west for the game this fall, you have free beer on me at my tailgate. Keep up the good work.

This post was edited on 4/6 9:18 PM by stneumann83
Looks like a PSU fan posing as a Rutgers fan to me

This post was edited on 4/6 10:08 PM by Dr. Feelgood
Clearly a PSU fan

Using the word "uninformed" when talking about the scandal is a clear giveaway.
I only made it through the first page, they truly are an embarrassing cult over at the lair. Pitt79 seems to have a semi decent head on his shoulders, but he still thinks Paterno is a bad man who did bad things. Lots of Pitt fans say that, but none can back it up with facts.

I'm so glad Pitt-Stains was banned, I almost forgot what an uneducated moron he is.
Watching RUsmrt tune them up has been enlightening. One of the biggest morons there is USN_Panther. I hope to God this clown actually isn't in our military. He's an imbecile. Must be a cook if he is, since they don't have colliers any more that shovel the boilers.

This post was edited on 4/7 7:40 AM by pnnylion
The Scarlet's do not call it banned. Johnnie "O" calls it "Black Listed". They are so diverse, on the banks, in New Brunswick.
Pitt? Relevant?
Originally posted by pnnylion:
Watching RUsmrt tune them up has been enlightening. One of the biggest morons there is USN_Panther. I hope to God this clown actually isn't in our military. He's an imbecile. Must be a cook if he is, since they don't have colliers any more that shovel the boilers.

This post was edited on 4/7 7:40 AM by pnnylion
USN is dumber than dirt. Chains has no idea how stupid he is. And someone should tell Pitt 79 that Paterno and Sandusky were not best buds. But you, Rutgers, are doing a great job over there. I appreciate it.
Comon, lets make it to Page 5! WOW 5 pages b*tching about getting banned on here, that's impressive!
I live in pittsburgh and have never come across anyone, let alone a pitt fan, that carries the opinion by some of those in the liar cesspool. Makes you wonder who is actually behind the screen and how they have enough time on their hands to have such an out of whack mindset.
Originally posted by TPSU_Lion:
I live in pittsburgh and have never come across anyone, let alone a pitt fan, that carries the opinion by some of those in the liar cesspool. Makes you wonder who is actually behind the screen and how they have enough time on their hands to have such an out of whack mindset.
That's because there are only like 17 of them, all living in their parents basement. If by chance you ever did meet one of them, like they deliver your pizza or something, they wouldn't have the guts to say anything.
you magnificent b@stard

Originally posted by RUsmrtrthna5thgrdr:
Originally posted by fairgambit:
have seen so far, the Rutgers fan base is vile. In the BigTen, only Iowa is worse. Certainly not every Rutgers fan is worthy of contempt, but it's been my experience that most are. This guy is an exception. When the exception proves the rule, I will change my opinion.

This post was edited on 4/6 8:39 PM by fairgambit
Whatsup bro? haha in seriousness, I can't stand what you guys are doing to us in recruiting, but that's the ONLY reason I give you a hard time. I guess you could call me a lone wolf, whole family grew up Penn State Fans in Central Jersey, I went to Rutgers because they offered scholorships and in state tuition. And yes, I was in fact banned on my own board because I told a couple of posters that we didn't deserve to call PSU our rival yet and bam! Looking forward to playing you guys next year and yes, you'll probably kick our ass but hey, if I happen to be the fan sitting next to you I will never tell, but I would ask that if our fans go into your stadium and are respecful, that they receive the same courtesy.

Here's to a successful and injury free season for both of our squads!
"Haha, hey bro, at least we have a stadium and have sold out a game in the last 10 years"

ruined my brand new PC monitor spewing diet dr pepper out my nose at that comeback to a Pitt fan

well played, sir. well played
Re: you magnificent b@stard

Originally posted by simons96:

Originally posted by RUsmrtrthna5thgrdr:
Originally posted by fairgambit:
have seen so far, the Rutgers fan base is vile. In the BigTen, only Iowa is worse. Certainly not every Rutgers fan is worthy of contempt, but it's been my experience that most are. This guy is an exception. When the exception proves the rule, I will change my opinion.

This post was edited on 4/6 8:39 PM by fairgambit
Whatsup bro? haha in seriousness, I can't stand what you guys are doing to us in recruiting, but that's the ONLY reason I give you a hard time. I guess you could call me a lone wolf, whole family grew up Penn State Fans in Central Jersey, I went to Rutgers because they offered scholorships and in state tuition. And yes, I was in fact banned on my own board because I told a couple of posters that we didn't deserve to call PSU our rival yet and bam! Looking forward to playing you guys next year and yes, you'll probably kick our ass but hey, if I happen to be the fan sitting next to you I will never tell, but I would ask that if our fans go into your stadium and are respecful, that they receive the same courtesy.

Here's to a successful and injury free season for both of our squads!
"Haha, hey bro, at least we have a stadium and have sold out a game in the last 10 years"

ruined my brand new PC monitor spewing diet dr pepper out my nose at that comeback to a Pitt fan

well played, sir. well played
What a joke of a program.
My favorite part of that thread is the in-fighting. There's a pitt d*uche with 2k posts telling another with 8500 posts that he's posing and not a real fan. 8500 posts is a lot of posing.

Just when I think they can't get any dumber over there.....Gold, Jerry!!! Gold!!!
Originally posted by Alphabets:
My favorite part of that thread is the in-fighting. There's a pitt d*uche with 2k posts telling another with 8500 posts that he's posing and not a real fan. 8500 posts is a lot of posing.

Just when I think they can't get any dumber over there.....Gold, Jerry!!! Gold!!!
I was about to mention that. They're at each others throats, and the imbeciles amongst them are going to "bury their board in anti-PSU articles, to drive the "nitter" (with 8500 posts) and RUsmrt insane until their heads explode".

Bunch of 50 and 60 year old rummies.
Sorry to inform you guys, I've joined to Pitt movement, I'm ordering everyone shirts that say "Joe Knew" and we're coming to the Hub Lawn to convert you all. They've said for the last 4 days in a row how all of you are pedophiles for going to penn state and every person who ever went there so yes, all 600,000+ living alumni (including my little sister) must be caught!!!

They assured me that when you ASSUME things that it must make it true, and a few of their members assume that you all harbored a pedophile so it must be true so to quote a famous politician from the 70's, "I'M HERE TO RECRUIT YOU!" (bonus points for anyone who knows who said that, haha) You must give up your support of Penn State and join the Pitt Movement OR ELSE!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRR!!!!! ROAR!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by pandaczar12:
Originally posted by TPSU_Lion:
I live in pittsburgh and have never come across anyone, let alone a pitt fan, that carries the opinion by some of those in the liar cesspool. Makes you wonder who is actually behind the screen and how they have enough time on their hands to have such an out of whack mindset.
That's because there are only like 17 of them, all living in their parents basement. If by chance you ever did meet one of them, like they deliver your pizza or something, they wouldn't have the guts to say anything.
I'm betting their parents have had enough at this point and found a nice group home for them.


This post was edited on 4/8 9:44 PM by Phil's Rug
Watching Penn State destroy Pitt and Franklin having no mercy will be thoroughly enjoyable. I love how Pitt fans downplay everything Franklin has done at Vanderbilt, because he played a "cupcake schedule" but completely ignore the fact this was done at Vanderbilt where 4 wins is considered a good season. They act like prior to Franklin's arrival at Vandy they played powerhouse OOC schedules. In the meantime, Pitt fans treat Narduzzi as a savior while ignoring the fact he has never coached a game and defensive coordinators have low success rates as head coaches.

The lair has 5 or 6 threads talking strictly about PSU. They have other threads that were created about other things that turned into PSU conversations. They have recruits that aren't even at their University, yet, trashtalking. Meanwhile, Akron is looming and probably will curbstomp them again(if Youngstown State doesn't get them first)
Being stuck in all day meetings, and having already read everything else on the internet, I read the entire thread. Dear lord are those Spitters delusional!

They talk about a cover up like it is black and white history, never once did I see Frank Fina's name or statement mentioned. They claim we are trying to change history, but why would we want to? In fact, history says that Joe did exactly what he was supposed to, and wasn't involved in a cover-up. All we want to change is the Freeh outlier to make all history consistent.

Penn State's defense sucked, because the national champion scored two touchdowns in OT. Never mind that they are put in the red zone in OT, and PSU being severely undermanned, just might have been gassed.

Franklin, who won at VANDERBILT, needs to prove himself. Nardouchie... guaranteed success.

They keep saying PSU finished 6-6, same as Pitt. Conveniently forgetting the bowl games. PSU was also played a tougher schedule, and should have won 4 more games (all but NW and MSU).

We should all be jealous of Pitt, because they "won" more national championships before they were born, and claim to have more pro hall of famers. Neither leads to a better college fan experience today!

We need to get some "Joe Knew" T-shirts, and on the back have them say "... that Pitt sucks"