Now, maybe he IS that good, but how many would think that maybe someone got some smoke blown up his butt? I for one will be checking the scUM depth chart in the fall to see where Mr. Hudson ends up.
For one I would rather have a coach who is honest with a kid. From what I see of Mr. Harbaugh, he doesn't care what he says or does as long as he gets what he wants now.
I also think, FWIW, that part of his strategy is to make sure that he competitors don't get kids THEY want. The Nordin situation smacks of a kid who is being played to makes sure that he does not go to PSU. If he walks on or greyshirts at UM, fine, but at least he took him off the table.
For one I would rather have a coach who is honest with a kid. From what I see of Mr. Harbaugh, he doesn't care what he says or does as long as he gets what he wants now.
I also think, FWIW, that part of his strategy is to make sure that he competitors don't get kids THEY want. The Nordin situation smacks of a kid who is being played to makes sure that he does not go to PSU. If he walks on or greyshirts at UM, fine, but at least he took him off the table.