In case im kidnapped....

Its not just that Iowa produces great wrestlers, they do it the right way, with class. That is why so many go on to be successes not just on, but off the mat.
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I wish Penn State would use the double arms in the groin area. It’s a great turning/pinning move that in no way could be called staling
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I have two all session National Championship tickets for sale $325 each. First row section 226 seats seats 13 and 14. The tickets are like 50 yard line tickets, dead center in arena, also in the Penn State section. Will transfer via email. Text me at 570-877-0968
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Reactions: baccafarmer
I have two all session tickets for sale $325 each. First row section 226 seats seats 13 and 14. The tickets are like 50 yard line tickets, dead center in arena, also in the Penn State section. Will transfer via email. Text me at 570-877-0969.
I have been kidnapped by two guys in a white GMC Cargo van heading south on 220. I can see through the blindfold :). The driver called the other guy "Bushwood" if that helps. PLEASE hurry...they are arguing about what is and isn't stalling. PS: If you only have one bullet.......shoot me.
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