In other action

Chickenman Testa

Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2003
Heinselman gets killed by Aguilar of Rutgers - 14-1.

Minnesota has a really dumb and dangerous intermission musical chairs contest where 4 people wander around the circle and then rush to the center to get to one of 3 inflatable love seats. 2 dudes just missed cracking heads at full speed. Doesn’t take an OSHA inspector to see that being a dumb idea
Heinselman gets killed by Aguilar of Rutgers - 14-1.

Minnesota has a really dumb and dangerous intermission musical chairs contest where 4 people wander around the circle and then rush to the center to get to one of 3 inflatable love seats. 2 dudes just missed cracking heads at full speed. Doesn’t take an OSHA inspector to see that being a dumb idea

And Decatur loses 6-1 to Sammy Alvarez. Maybe he will prove me wrong, but I thought pulling Malik’s Shirt last year was wrong and I don’t see the reason to pull Decatur’s this year either.
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Heinselman gets killed by Aguilar of Rutgers - 14-1.

Minnesota has a really dumb and dangerous intermission musical chairs contest where 4 people wander around the circle and then rush to the center to get to one of 3 inflatable love seats. 2 dudes just missed cracking heads at full speed. Doesn’t take an OSHA inspector to see that being a dumb idea
They play the same game at PSU... at hockey games... on the ice!!!
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How far is Assad capable of going?
Low podium candidate -- but not a sure thing to place -- which is not an upgrade from Wilcke.

He has 3 losses this year: 4-0 to Lujan, 8-3 to Broderson, and 2-0 to a dude from D3 Grand View. Lujan is not a bad loss. The others ... The best opponent he has beaten so far was American's Harvey -- in OT.

In last year's loss to Starocci at Dapper Dan, he only managed escapes. The difference being, Starocci was a 170 who wrestled 182 all year. I think Starocci would place at 174 this year, but much less likely at 184 this year.
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Low podium candidate -- which is not an upgrade from Wilcke.

He has 3 losses this year: 4-0 to Lujan, 8-3 to Broderson, and 2-0 to a dude from D3 Grand View. Lujan is not a bad loss. The others ... The best opponent he has beaten so far was American's Harvey -- in OT.
I would put his pin of Braunagel as good as or slightly better than beating Harvey
I would put his pin of Braunagel as good as or slightly better than beating Harvey
Regardless of pin vs. OT decision, who do you have as the better opponent that he beat?

Harvey is a returning NQ with a better win % and bonus % this year.
Regardless of pin vs. OT decision, who do you have as the better opponent that he beat?

Harvey is a returning NQ with a better win % and bonus % this year.
Common opponent Noah Stewart who is #15 on wrestlestat. Harvey lost 9-6 and Braunagel won 3-1. Both beat Cam Caffey but Braunagel won by MD 15-7 and Harvey won 8-5. Braunagel losses to Brooks, Assad, Wilcke, Waddell, and Wilson. Harvey losses to Assad, Mazzara, Stewart and Bolen. I give Braunagel the edge in competition he’s faced and the national qualifier comparison is not valid as Braunagel redshirted last year.
I wanna see Wilcke, Young Brands & Assad in a steel cage match.

First guy to climb out of the cage wins the spot.

Make it happen, Tom.
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I wanna see Wilcke, Young Brands & Assad in a steel cage match.

First guy to climb out of the cage wins the spot.

Make it happen, Tom.
I just can not believe the TnT boys recruited over a 5th year senior as well as their own nephew/son. Despicable, I say. Just down right despicable. Has anybody called the NCAA compliance office. I am certain there is something fishy going on.
Low podium candidate -- but not a sure thing to place -- which is not an upgrade from Wilcke.

He has 3 losses this year: 4-0 to Lujan, 8-3 to Broderson, and 2-0 to a dude from D3 Grand View. Lujan is not a bad loss. The others ... The best opponent he has beaten so far was American's Harvey -- in OT.

In last year's loss to Starocci at Dapper Dan, he only managed escapes. The difference being, Starocci was a 170 who wrestled 182 all year. I think Starocci would place at 174 this year, but much less likely at 184 this year.
Yes, as much as Abe has the higher upside, I get this feeling that if cash went in March we’d see a few 1 point wins and we’d all be saying when is someone going to knock this guy out?
During the Goofer broadcast, Tim Johnson called the Wisconsin coach “Coach Boner” and I laughed. Hard. Because my emotional age is 14.
Darmstadt just defaulted out of his match v Columbia. Looks like torn rib cartilage to me. That will hurt for a while.....a little soccer magic spray or Mr Miagi hands and he should be good.

and then....I’m pretty sure I had never seen a spladle a HWT match...and I just did. Whoa.
(It didn’t work, btw)
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Darmstadt just defaulted out of his match v Columbia. Looks like torn rib cartilage to me. That will hurt for a while.....a little soccer magic spray or Mr Miagi hands and he should be good.

and then....I’m pretty sure I had never seen a spladle a HWT match...and I just did. Whoa.
(It didn’t work, btw)

The Darmstadt injury is kind of brutal to watch . . .

Stoppage #1 = Throw-scramble out of bounds results in Darmstadt sitting/kneeling calmly on opposite side of the mat, grabbing his side, and signaling a couple of times for the trainer to come check him out. Trainer takes his time and eventually strolls over. After some injury time, Darmstadt and staff decide it is worth it to continue the match.

Stoppage #2 = Darmstadt attempting a cradle ~20-30 secs after the restart and then quickly flipping off of his opponent, rolling on the mat in intense pain, and clutching his side. After some more injury time, Darmstadt and staff double down and decide once again that continuing the match is a good idea.

Stoppage #3 = Darmstadt attempting a basic breakdown maneuver ~5 secs after the restart and once again crying out in pain, bailing off of his opponent, clutching his side and motioning no mas, no mas. Defaults.

Some of those details may be a bit imprecise because I'm going off memory, but geez, it did not look
like a good series of decision-making. Not stopping that match after the 2nd injury time just seems crazy. And I have to wonder whether the initial injury was made worse by continuing after the first stoppage.
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The Darmstadt injury is kind of brutal to watch . . .

Stoppage #1 = Throw-scramble out of bounds results in Darmstadt sitting/kneeling calmly on opposite side of the mat, grabbing his side, and signaling a couple of times for the trainer to come check him out. Trainer takes his time and eventually strolls over. After some injury time, Darmstadt and staff decide it is worth it to continue the match.

Stoppage #2 = Darmstadt attempting a cradle ~20-30 secs after the restart and then quickly flipping off of his opponent, rolling on the mat in intense pain, and clutching his side. After some more injury time, Darmstadt and staff double down and decide once again that continuing the match is a good idea.

Stoppage #3 = Darmstadt attempting a basic breakdown maneuver ~5 secs after the restart and once again crying out in pain, bailing off of his opponent, clutching his side and motioning no mas, no mas. Defaults.

Some of those details may be a bit imprecise because I'm going off memory, but geez, it did not look
like a good series of decision-making. Not stopping that match after the 2nd injury time just seems crazy. And I have to wonder whether the initial injury was made worse by continuing after the first stoppage.

Yikes. Though it makes sense to risk further injury because they were probably making sure the team kept focus and gave the fans what they paid for.
Yikes. Though it makes sense to risk further injury because they were probably making sure the team kept focus and gave the fans what they paid for.

Darmstadt’s “sense of destiny” kicked in and allowed him to injure himself worse.

The glory shall be his.