Since Barry really cares and all lives matter...not just the ones ended by guns:
Mandate that every vehicle made is equipped with a breathalizer required for starting.
Mandate that all acoholic beverage producers reduce the % alcohol by at least 20% by 2020. Look, there's no need for any magazine capacity.......err I mean spirits above, say 50 proof. Beer should be capped at 3.2% and wine at 5%. Let's call it the carbon.......I mean alcohol cap.
Pass regulations that all establishments that serve alcohol must now electronically verify the age for every drink served and cap a limit of two drinks per patron. Of course, this will take additional labor to monitor this at each establishment, so hey...that's good for employment. And we'll need more government workers to monitor this.
Any home consumption of alcohol must be accompanied by a pre-paid permit that lists all individuals that will consume, what drink they will consume, and what quantity. This, of course, would be subject to random inspections by an increase government work force.
Alcohol awareness and education classes to now be covered under every insurance plan. Sure, it will raise premiums, but it will save lives.
Vendors at concerts, stadiums, fairs, etc. will be required to maintain a list of every patron that was sold a drink, how many, and what that drink was. "Marshalls" will be required to follow those patrons to confirm they are not purchasing alcohol for minors or those that have already reached their two drink limit.
Mandate that no alcohol be served after 11pm.
We could go on and on. Once the government digs in with one regulation, countless more are due to follow......particularly to correct the screw ups that occur from the first ones. And eventually, maybe they can take away all alcohol.......except for licensed professionals.
This will save thousands of lives, families, marriages, property damage, etc.. So, if Barry really cares.....if people really care......
But, heck...everyone drinks. Everyone drives. And no ones' screwing with our cars and alcohol, right? It's not like guns where most people don't own one, so let's tread on those that do..... cause I don't. I guess it won't happen because it would be inconvenient and not all lives matter to Barry......just the ones he can grandstand about through his ineffective politically motivated policies. Full disclosure for the reading impaired.........this is my attempt at sarcasm. I would NEVER settle for 3.2 beer. NEVER.
Mandate that every vehicle made is equipped with a breathalizer required for starting.
Mandate that all acoholic beverage producers reduce the % alcohol by at least 20% by 2020. Look, there's no need for any magazine capacity.......err I mean spirits above, say 50 proof. Beer should be capped at 3.2% and wine at 5%. Let's call it the carbon.......I mean alcohol cap.
Pass regulations that all establishments that serve alcohol must now electronically verify the age for every drink served and cap a limit of two drinks per patron. Of course, this will take additional labor to monitor this at each establishment, so hey...that's good for employment. And we'll need more government workers to monitor this.
Any home consumption of alcohol must be accompanied by a pre-paid permit that lists all individuals that will consume, what drink they will consume, and what quantity. This, of course, would be subject to random inspections by an increase government work force.
Alcohol awareness and education classes to now be covered under every insurance plan. Sure, it will raise premiums, but it will save lives.
Vendors at concerts, stadiums, fairs, etc. will be required to maintain a list of every patron that was sold a drink, how many, and what that drink was. "Marshalls" will be required to follow those patrons to confirm they are not purchasing alcohol for minors or those that have already reached their two drink limit.
Mandate that no alcohol be served after 11pm.
We could go on and on. Once the government digs in with one regulation, countless more are due to follow......particularly to correct the screw ups that occur from the first ones. And eventually, maybe they can take away all alcohol.......except for licensed professionals.
This will save thousands of lives, families, marriages, property damage, etc.. So, if Barry really cares.....if people really care......
But, heck...everyone drinks. Everyone drives. And no ones' screwing with our cars and alcohol, right? It's not like guns where most people don't own one, so let's tread on those that do..... cause I don't. I guess it won't happen because it would be inconvenient and not all lives matter to Barry......just the ones he can grandstand about through his ineffective politically motivated policies. Full disclosure for the reading impaired.........this is my attempt at sarcasm. I would NEVER settle for 3.2 beer. NEVER.