Why can’t this work, beside the morality and compliance of it all. Maybe even an addition to the Lee 3” binder.
- PSU offers Bassets mom a WFH job at the university for good money. She never needs to leave the house.
- We tell her wink wink, don’t worry about working hard (your boss won’t even be checking),
- three years from now, mom loves PSU and the 300k she has gotten…tie breaker PSU if needed
- Beau wants in anyway
- Free extra scholarship for Cael, parent employee deal
- GIA heads explode.
Who is in?
- PSU offers Bassets mom a WFH job at the university for good money. She never needs to leave the house.
- We tell her wink wink, don’t worry about working hard (your boss won’t even be checking),
- three years from now, mom loves PSU and the 300k she has gotten…tie breaker PSU if needed
- Beau wants in anyway
- Free extra scholarship for Cael, parent employee deal
- GIA heads explode.
Who is in?