Inquiring minds want to know.....,.


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Gold Member
May 5, 2019
What is the truth about the level of crime in America?

The FBI tells us that overall crime in the US is down. Does this pass your sniff test?

Of course, these statements are coming from the same people who told us the number one criminal threat to America was white supremacists and that parents protesting at school board meetings were undermining our democratic way of life and that the unarmed mob who marched on the Capitol building on Jan 6 were "insurrectionists" every one of whom deserved being hunted down and imprisoned for years. I don't know about you, but when I think of truth and honesty, the first people who leap to mind for me are J. Edgar Hoover, James Comey and Christopher Wray.

Here is what my "lying' eyes" are telling me: businesses are being openly looted in every major city in the country, criminals are being returned to the streets without having to post bail for serious crimes, innocent (and defenseless) people are being attacked by thugs (on our streets or in our subways) who want to either injure or kill them or steal from them or otherwise punish them for having the audacity to be of a different race, massive numbers of illegals are pouring into the country, many of whom are criminals/terrorists, these illegals are now "squatting" in Americans' houses and the local governments are doing little or nothing about it, car jackings are at a record high in many cities, and people are afraid to venture into inner cities for fear of gang violence and getting gunned down in the "war zones" these cities have become (see Kansas City, Chicago, SF and many others). In the meantime, police themselves are being attacked (and killed) and their ranks are so depleted that many departments are not even responding to reports of crimes in progress anymore (hmmm, maybe THAT's contributing to the lower reported crime numbers???... golly, who would have thought?)

So, how do we reconcile what we see and experience with what the FBI is telling us is the actual situation?

The official governmental position: it's all just a matter of perception (ala the "mostly peaceful demonstrations" we witnessed a couple of summers ago when we mistook leftist thugs burning down large parts of major cities as something serious, I guess). "We're the FBI and if we say the things you see daily are not real, YOU BETTER DAMN WELL BELIEVE IT, or else".

But, how about some details that help us understand how freaking dumb we've been about what we see as out of control crime? That would help, wouldn't it? Crime is down from when to when? From it's highest high (also under your watch) to a minor fall off. Like when Lee Corso (then coach of the Indiana FB team) gathered his team for a picture in front of the scoreboard showing them ahead of Michigan 7-0? Do these recent great crime statistics account for those crimes not being reported because the cops can't be bothered to do anything about them, or all of the felonies that are now being dismissed or reduced to misdemeanors by leftist prosecutors because of prior "racist" prosecutions? Do the numbers reflect all those criminal parents who no longer attend school board meetings coming off the crime numbers?

To quote Disraeli , "there are lies, damned lies and statistics". Just give us the details and let us figure out whether it's a matter of "perception" or more government lies.. But they won't and the fourth estate certainly won't bother determining a the truth of the matter themselves. So, for me, if they don't explain their BS statistics, I'll go with them lying their asses off and believing what I see with my own eyes. I have never witnessed a period in our history where crime is this bad. Have you?

In NYC, a criminal with 21 prior arrests (including violent crimes) can be on the streets to kill a cop, but an average citizen who protects his fellow passengers from a crazed lunatic is pursued relentlessly because the criminal shouting that he would kill innocent people died when being restrained. When a drugged up street criminal dies during his arrest and the cop involved is prosecuted for manslaughter to appease the racist "community leaders" and gets knifed in prison. Yeah, it's all about "perception" and we should all feel so much safer because the FBI and the local hamstrung cops are doing all the right things to protect us. Riiiiiight.
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