Interesting graph on what causes and/or prevents cancer


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Gold Member
Aug 21, 2001
by study. The left side is studies that said that food prevented cancer, the right studies that showed that food caused cancer. Obviously, a lot of confusion with few real conclusions to be drawn.

my father meets with the oncologist of Wednesday at Sloan Kettering. We are trying as hard as we can to beat this pancreatic cancer. truly a horrible disease.
Control variable and independent variables....

When trying to study what activity/consumption -- that someone does over their life -- that causes cancer, unless it's something very unique (i.e. worked closely with asbestos), it's just so difficult (I would almost say "impossible") to control for everything but one thing (or combination of things) that people do (have done) in their lives.

In other words, I'm not surprised at this graph. It's basically what I would expect.
With enough people in the sample size and an exhaustive list

of potential variables, using relative exposure to these variables(how many times were you sunburned, how long and qty of smoking, etc.) and if one of the variables was genetics, you could maybe estimate the probability that certain lifestyle choices, foods, etc. could cause cancer. It would be a gigantic undertaking, however, and would require so much coordination as to make it virtually impossible to complete.
My wife has been battling lung cancer for 2.5 years.. The good news is it has not metastasized.. She begins a new trial tomorrow..The new drug is 18 to 20% effective.. Not very good , but it's all we have..