Isn't the BCS's latest invention awesome - it features Refs that cheat to conference agendas...


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
1 features the BCS intentionally fraudulently labelling an "Invitational Tournament" a "playoff", etc....

Last year the b1g cheats to pull the suckeye's fat out of the fire against the ACC Championship Game where the ACC loses their invitation to the "Invitational Tournament" (falsely labeled a "playoff") if Clemson losses, the ACC Officials call a phantom Off-Sides Penalty on a successful UNC On-Side Kick that would have given them the ball down 1 possession with just over a minute left, all three of their TOs remaining and the ball in Clemson territory. Yea, this latest creation of the BCS Hacks is just awesome - it encourages cheating and intentionally mislabels itself as a "playoff", when it is clearly nothing but a beauty pagent "Invitational Tournament", and does the mislabeling to mislead the public purely for marketing purposes. These disgraceful a-holes are cut from the same clothe as our soulless, corrupt OG BOT and their co-conspirators. Joe must be turning in his grave.
Last edited: features the BCS intentionally fraudulently labelling an "Invitational Tournament" a "playoff", etc....

Last year the b1g cheats to pull the suckeye's fat out of the fire against the ACC Championship Game where the ACC loses their invitation to the "Invitational Tournament" falsely labeled a "playoff" if Clemson losses, the ACC Officials call a phantom Off-Sides Penalty on a successful UNC On-Side Kick that would have given them the ball down 1 possession with just over a minute left, all three of their TOs remaining and the ball in Clemson territory. Yea, this latest creation of the BCS Hacks is just awesome - it encourages cheating and intentionally mislabels itself as a "playoff", when it is clearly nothing but a beauty pagent "Invitational Tournament", and does the mislabeling to mislead the public purely for marketing purposes. These disgraceful a-holes are cut from the same clothe as our soulless, corrupt OG BOT and their co-conspirators. Joe must be turning in his grave.
Nobody disliked the B1G officials more than Joe. He's not turning, he's laughing his ass off.
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Nobody disliked the B1G officials more than Joe. He's not turning, he's laughing his ass off.

You missed my point -- he's turning regarding the soulless scum that run college football and this horrid beauty-pageant Invitational Tournament that they have intentionally mislabeled a "playoff" for marketing reasons and to mislead the public. Just like professional boxing in the 1970's, these soulless, scumbag, exclusively self-interested "promoters" are steadily destroying major college football. features the BCS intentionally fraudulently labelling an "Invitational Tournament" a "playoff", etc....

Last year the b1g cheats to pull the suckeye's fat out of the fire against the ACC Championship Game where the ACC loses their invitation to the "Invitational Tournament" falsely labeled a "playoff" if Clemson losses, the ACC Officials call a phantom Off-Sides Penalty on a successful UNC On-Side Kick that would have given them the ball down 1 possession with just over a minute left, all three of their TOs remaining and the ball in Clemson territory. Yea, this latest creation of the BCS Hacks is just awesome - it encourages cheating and intentionally mislabels itself as a "playoff", when it is clearly nothing but a beauty pagent "Invitational Tournament", and does the mislabeling to mislead the public purely for marketing purposes. These disgraceful a-holes are cut from the same clothe as our soulless, corrupt OG BOT and their co-conspirators. Joe must be turning in his grave.
College football is the creature of the conferences and the institutional bureaucrats within it who do not want to lose power.
Any progress is slow and grudging with mechanisms adapted to retain control.
They fought against instant replay. The excuse was "it costs too much". They yielded only when it became obvious to all that was a lie.
They fought against a playoff system. The excuse was "it interferes with academics." They yielded only when they became a national laughing stock and figured a way to limit it.
Now they are fighting against an expanded playoff that would simply feature, for example, the winners of the five big conferences and three at large teams selected by some sort of vote. They would rather control the process through the establishment bozos on the bogus committee they select. The excuse is "it is an improvement".
They are also fighting against national officials instead of conference affiliates. The excuse is probably the old "it costs too much".
In any case, the sports media they control never discusses these things. The replaceable talking heads like their cushy high-paid jobs.
Eh, refs tend to favor the home team or the favorite that season.

'Bama has gotten a # of favorable calls over the course of their run from SEC officials.
I don't know if football officials necessarily mindfully cheat. I just think as a group they pretty much are not very good at what they do.

Look at NFL officials, out of all professional sports it is football officials who are the most inept.

I believe it is because the call the game based on guess work. They make calls not based on what they see, but rather on what they think they should have seen.

Examples are very plentiful. The offsides onside kick. The official made a call on something he obviously did not see, but rather on something he thought he should have seen.

A MSU lineman gets called for holding for falling on an Iowa D lineman, yet in the replay the MSU O lineman never has a hold of anything belonging to Iowa lineman.

Wide out gets knocked into defensive back by another defensive player that leaves a different offensive player open for a completed pass play. Official never actually sees a foul, but he sees enough to let him think maybe he should have seen something so he tosses his flag.

I don't think football officials necessarily mindfully cheat (except against Penn State when pressing Ohio State), I just believe they really are not (as a collective) very good at what they are attempting to do. I also will guarantee they as a group believe they do a great job and nobody could possibly do it better.
Kirk Herbstreit was all over the call. He said no one was offside and he even suggested that it should be reviewable.

To the one poster's point some of these bogus calls are so blatant it's making CFB much less enjoyable.
College football is the creature of the conferences and the institutional bureaucrats within it who do not want to lose power.
Any progress is slow and grudging with mechanisms adapted to retain control.
They fought against instant replay. The excuse was "it costs too much". They yielded only when it became obvious to all that was a lie.
They fought against a playoff system. The excuse was "it interferes with academics." They yielded only when they became a national laughing stock and figured a way to limit it.
Now they are fighting against an expanded playoff that would simply feature, for example, the winners of the five big conferences and three at large teams selected by some sort of vote. They would rather control the process through the establishment bozos on the bogus committee they select. The excuse is "it is an improvement".
They are also fighting against national officials instead of conference affiliates. The excuse is probably the old "it costs too much".
In any case, the sports media they control never discusses these things. The replaceable talking heads like their cushy high-paid jobs.
Not sure you got it right.........."the sports media they control".........I think the sports media and their big $$$$$$$$$$$ control the NCAA and this playoff structure. Whoever has the biggest contract for games controls who plays in those games. It is all about the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
I don't know if football officials necessarily mindfully cheat. I just think as a group they pretty much are not very good at what they do.

Look at NFL officials, out of all professional sports it is football officials who are the most inept.

I believe it is because the call the game based on guess work. They make calls not based on what they see, but rather on what they think they should have seen.

Examples are very plentiful. The offsides onside kick. The official made a call on something he obviously did not see, but rather on something he thought he should have seen.

A MSU lineman gets called for holding for falling on an Iowa D lineman, yet in the replay the MSU O lineman never has a hold of anything belonging to Iowa lineman.

Wide out gets knocked into defensive back by another defensive player that leaves a different offensive player open for a completed pass play. Official never actually sees a foul, but he sees enough to let him think maybe he should have seen something so he tosses his flag.

I don't think football officials necessarily mindfully cheat (except against Penn State when pressing Ohio State), I just believe they really are not (as a collective) very good at what they are attempting to do. I also will guarantee they as a group believe they do a great job and nobody could possibly do it better.

Really? In that critical situation, you don't think the official's intention was to rob UNC of a critical final possession down one score, with a touch over a minute left with all 3 TOs remaining for the purpose of assisting the ACC jn keeping a spot in the BCS's Invitational Tournament that they have intentionally fraudulently labeled "a playoff" (e.g., only Clemson keeps a spot with a win - yea, that's some kind of "playoff spot")??? There wasn't a kicking team player anywhere close to the LOS at the time kicker contacts ball, but you think the "explanation" is the official just thought he saw something that he really didn't? You clearly don't have a tinfoil hat, but you did apparently just fall off a turnip truck! LMFAO, your explanation in defense of the cheating officials' honor and integrity is, to be kind, comical - who knew Bill Carollo posted on McAndrew's Board?
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Still a lot better than the old days when there was no video replay at all and the media decided who was #1.

Small step. features the BCS intentionally fraudulently labelling an "Invitational Tournament" a "playoff", etc....

Last year the b1g cheats to pull the suckeye's fat out of the fire against the ACC Championship Game where the ACC loses their invitation to the "Invitational Tournament" falsely labeled a "playoff" if Clemson losses, the ACC Officials call a phantom Off-Sides Penalty on a successful UNC On-Side Kick that would have given them the ball down 1 possession with just over a minute left, all three of their TOs remaining and the ball in Clemson territory. Yea, this latest creation of the BCS Hacks is just awesome - it encourages cheating and intentionally mislabels itself as a "playoff", when it is clearly nothing but a beauty pagent "Invitational Tournament", and does the mislabeling to mislead the public purely for marketing purposes. These disgraceful a-holes are cut from the same clothe as our soulless, corrupt OG BOT and their co-conspirators. Joe must be turning in his grave.

You're nuts if you think this is a new thing due to the BCS playoff. It has been going on for years. As always I point back to UF's most recent national championship where they were losing to Arkansas and on a game winning drive were awarded two random personal fouls to virtually assure them the win.

Kirk Herbstreit was all over the call. He said no one was offside and he even suggested that it should be reviewable.

To the one poster's point some of these bogus calls are so blatant it's making CFB much less enjoyable.

These ever self-interested, self-serving, self-congratulatory dirtbags are little-different from the "boxing promoters" who controlled and destroyed professional boxing in the 1970s. Completely destroyed the "integrity" of the sport and soon thereafter fan interest and support evaporated.
You're nuts if you think this is a new thing due to the BCS playoff. It has been going on for years. As always I point back to UF's most recent national championship where they were losing to Arkansas and on a game winning drive were awarded two random personal fouls to virtually assure them the win.

Wow, that is unreal - both on the Fla's game-winning drive, the 1st one for simply tackling a receiver running with ball and the 2nd for being hit by a Fla player going 20 yards out of his way to cheap-shot you??? Unreal.
B1G refs have been setting the example for decades. Other Conferences have responded, since realizing that millions of fans viewing on National TV makes no difference to the arrogant thugs in the fancy, filthy rich executive suites.
CFB has surpassed boxing as the most crooked sport in America. Once you realize that, you'll be much calmer about it. Somebody told UNC "Its not your night, kid." That's the way it is.
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CFB has surpassed boxing as the most crooked sport in America. Once you realize that, you'll be much calmer about it. Somebody told UNC "Its not your night, kid." That's the way it is.

Given the amount of $$$ that is gambled on CFB, I'm shocked that the NCAA and US Federal Govt just smile and look the other way regarding this clear money-driven, anti-trust based corruption. If conferences can make their agendas known to these zero-integrity contractors, I'm guessing gambling based organized-crime syndicates might be able to reach these zero-integrity refs with massive bribes (and threats against them or their families once they're drawn in and decide they want out).... Okay, having watched the b1g shiz-hole operate with charlatans like Pamone, Witvoet, Lemonierre, O'Neill, etc..., I'm not shocked - maybe just outraged. :eek:
TV is the new mafia when it comes to cfb. The networks are the 'families' and they control everything, from the conference commissioners to the refs. Its all become an exhibition, much like studio wrestling, designed to line the pockets of a select few.
I like to argue with you and say its a mythical conspiracy but given the absolutely mind boggling calls it's hard to argue it. Specially the instant replay calls.
TV is the new mafia when it comes to cfb. The networks are the 'families' and they control everything, from the conference commissioners to the refs. Its all become an exhibition, much like studio wrestling, designed to line the pockets of a select few.
Hate to say it but I do think a good bit of the important games are fixed with a call or no call when it's needed. The NFL is just as bad if not worse. The game is on the way to WWF status.