I've heard of getting a bang out of church but this is taking it

This guy also was caught with same gun at local college..

Not PSU Altoona and it was before the church incident He had the gun in a classroom and the college kicked him out.
how insecure does one have to be?

Not sure if this dude truly feels threatened or is just making a point to exercise his right to carry.

I mean let's be honest here. It would seem to me that church would be the least likely place you would encounter some type of threat. Couldn't leave it in the glove box in the parking lot? The guy just seems unstable.

In addition to this and the classroom incident, he was arrested in 2010 for pulling a gun on his step brother because the step brother wouldn't allow him to take his freshly deceased fathers suburban for a ride.

Right to carry sure. But there's a time and place for just about anything and the need to stay strapped 24/7 is just absurd in my opinion. If you're that paranoid that something will happen, it's probably best you don't own one in the first place.
If you need to go to church with a concealed weapon you are going to the wrong church.
Re: how insecure does one have to be?

Get down on your knees and pray that you do not have to carry for personal protection. Lady in Harrisburg did; husband still found a way to kill her!
Re: how insecure does one have to be?

So are you saying that prayer didn't keep him from killing her?
Re: how insecure does one have to be?

You are either a freakin' idiot or can not read! In case you are a TROLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Here's the thing. Every day in your life, without realizing it

you interact, deal with, and pass by people all day long who are carrying concealed handguns. The difference is, the vast majority of them don't negligently discharge their guns like this moron did. Anyone that negligently discharges their handgun in public should immediately have their CCW permit revoked for a period of at least 2 years with the requirement of 40 hours of CCW gun safety prior to getting it back.