Peter Schweizer: Jeff Sessions Ending DOJ Handouts to Activist Groups ‘a Tremendous Victory’

Scott Olson/Getty Images
12 Jun 2017Washington, DC
President of the Government Accountability Institute, Peter Schweizer, spoke with Breitbart News Daily SiriusXX host Raheem Kassam on Monday regarding Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ decision to end Department of Justice handouts for leftist groups, which has come to be known as something of a “slush fund.”
As Breitbart News reported:
For decades, through a variety of initiatives, the DOJ has insisted on donations to third parties as part of the settlements it reaches with defendants, especially corporations.
In the Obama administration, this practice took on the character of a “slush fund,” which funneled hundreds of millions of dollars from these corporate defendants and put it into the hands of non-government organizations.
Recipients have included
left-wing “community organizer” groups such as the
National Council of La Raza, or “The Race,” a Latino racial advocacy group that supports mass illegal immigration.
Other recipients include the National Urban League, the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, and NeighborWorks America, which is a congressionally chartered mortgage aid group that itself has come under widespread criticism.
In the Obama administration, this practice took on the character of a “slush fund,” which funneled hundreds of millions of dollars from these corporate defendants and put it into the hands of non-government organizations.
Recipients have included
left-wing “community organizer” groups such as the
National Council of La Raza, or “The Race,” a Latino racial advocacy group that supports mass illegal immigration.
Other recipients include the National Urban League, the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, and NeighborWorks America, which is a congressionally chartered mortgage aid group that itself has come under widespread criticism.
“This is a tremendous victory people ought to be very encouraged by,” said Schweizer.
The idea got its start under Eric Holder as far back as the Clinton administration. “The problem is, it got distorted, as so many things do in Washington, DC,” added Schweizer.
“And so rather than going to the victims of what a company might have done, they ended up giving it to activist groups. And many of these activist groups, like La Raza, like others, not only didn’t do things to alleviate the activity that had taken place, they actually used the money for things like voter registration.”
“These were politically active groups,” he added.