Jim Vollrath

So sad! He and his family will be in my thoughts and prayers!
God bless......
Well that's some pretty awful news. I always liked the way James wrestled. Hopefully he can beat this, really difficult situation.
A little upsetting how little attention this thread is getting. If this was an Iowa wrestler their forum would have had it as one of the most popular threads.
I have to agree...this should be getting our utmost attention. Hope those that can help step up and do so, we're pulling for you Jim!
A little upsetting how little attention this thread is getting. If this was an Iowa wrestler their forum would have had it as one of the most popular threads.

It's getting the right kind of attention. The original GoFundMe goal was $15K...then changed to $ it's $30K. So far the total raised is $24,980. (BTW...I agree with raising the goals...potentially one can never have enough funds to deal with cancer.)
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Jim Vollrath was recently diagnosed with Ewing's sarcoma cancer. We are raising money to help with his chemotherapy treatments and all other medical expenses.

Prayers with him and his family.
A little upsetting how little attention this thread is getting. If this was an Iowa wrestler their forum would have had it as one of the most popular threads.

Over 1,000 views in one day is quite a bit of attention.
As certain other threads demonstrate, you don't need constant reminders to donate, it looks like Penn Staters and others are standing firmly behind Mr Vollrath.

Hoping and praying for the best. Love that Ness tweet!
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James English wrote a nice note about the fundraiser. I believe it was circulated by the Penn State Wrestling Club, but I'm not certain of that. Here's what James wrote:

I hope you are all enjoying the summer months. I am writing this email to inform those of you who have not yet heard, former Penn State Wrestler Jim Vollrath has recently been diagnosed with Ewing Sarcoma, a form of bone cancer.

Jim has always been one of the toughest people I know. When you think of Jim you may think of his epic 2010 southern scuffle comeback, where he lost in the first round only to rattle off 9 consecutive wins and take home 3rd place. Or you may think of the 2013 scuffle where he upset Alex Dieringer (the 3x National Champ only lost to two guys in his career, Jimmy being one of them) in the semis.

When I personally think of Jim, my friend and old roommate, I think of a guy who can turn any situation into one where you are grabbing your side from laughing so hard.

Dan Gable said "Once you wrestled, everything in life is easy." While that may be true in a lot of cases, I am going to have to respectively disagree with Mr. Gable in this situation. Jim Vollrath is probably in what is going to be the toughest battle of his life. Jim can and will beat this! That being said, I am asking all of you to try to ease the burden on Jimmy a little. If you can make a financial donation for the 25-year-old (about to go off his parents' insurance) that would be tremendous.

Here is the link to donate

If you can't donate, perhaps you could try to pass this email on to someone else who can. Regardless of your situation please pray for Jim and his family. Together let's help to take care of one of our Penn State Wresting Family Members and show everyone just how strong the Wrestling Community is!

James English
Penn State Alumni 2013
Yes, you are correct, Tom. The PSWC sent an email to all 2015-16 and first-time 2016-17 members. James English wrote every word of the email. Posting here is appropriate, as James wants to reach as many fans as possible, so thanks.

A link to the gofundme site can be found on the PSWC well as on this forum and Scout. Currently over $35,000 donated.
Goal is up to $50k now. They are at $30k.

The wrestling brotherhood has the strongest bond. It is heartening to look at the names of the contributors and see many names associated with Penn State's competition.

Sadly, I had never heard of this cancer, so it is unnerving, to me, that maybe there isn't enough attention directed toward it. I would assume that, like many cancers, it is all about early detection. I'm hoping this was detected early.

I'll be grateful if anyone wants to elaborate on this specific disease.
Yes, you are correct, Tom. The PSWC sent an email to all 2015-16 and first-time 2016-17 members. James English wrote every word of the email. Posting here is appropriate, as James wants to reach as many fans as possible, so thanks.

A link to the gofundme site can be found on the PSWC well as on this forum and Scout. Currently over $35,000 donated.
So in less than five hours from the time the PSWC sent out the email, over $2k has been raised. Great work guys.
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Ewings sarcoma is a relatively rare cancer due to a spontaneous genetic mutation. It is typically found in adolescents and teens, although its possible to occur up to age 40. It is a primary bone cancer (starts in bone) that can spread to other tissues. Usually found in white males. Survival rate depends on age of patient, location and size of tumor, and histopathology. Treatment is usually chemotherapy (drugs) followed by surgery or radiation. Recent advances have increased the overall 5 yr survival rate from 20 to 60% in older patients. Survival is better when the patients are younger, the tumor is more peripheral in location, smaller in size, and more reduced by chemotherapy.
BTW, a salute to dice. I have no idea of what involvement, if any, he had in the decision. However, he is involved with Escape The Rock, and it was nice to see that ETR made a nice contribution to the fund.
BTW, a salute to dice. I have no idea of what involvement, if any, he had in the decision. However, he is involved with Escape The Rock, and it was nice to see that ETR made a nice contribution to the fund.
didn't jimmy graduate from one of the cr schools? could be driven by that as well.
BTW, a salute to dice. I have no idea of what involvement, if any, he had in the decision. However, he is involved with Escape The Rock, and it was nice to see that ETR made a nice contribution to the fund.

Please don't salute me - all of our board members were involved in the decision, which was suggested by tournament director, Ed Evans. It was an easy decision.
Please don't salute me - all of our board members were involved in the decision, which was suggested by tournament director, Ed Evans. It was an easy decision.

Great to hear dice! Ed and I graduated together. Grew up with both Ed and his wife. Class acts all around!
Recognizing there's plenty of credit to go around, I'd like to say thanks to the Penn State Wrestling Club members that donated too. But we must all remember, that's the easy part...Jim has a fight on his hands, one I'm hopeful and confident he will win.
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James has now reached the $50K goal. Kudos to all those that contributed and that passed the message on.
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Just a little update.

Quite by chance, I saw Jim's dad this evening -- first time I've seen him in about 3 years. I asked him how Jim was doing.

Cancer is a tough beast, and there are no guaranteed treatments for the type of cancer that Jim has. So his dad was careful with what he stated. He indicated that his care is being supervised by CHOP (Children's Hospital of Philadelphia), but that his treatment is at a hospital much closer to his home. He had, in fact, just had a chemo treatment earlier today. (Actually, I can't remember if it was that he had recently had a blood transfusion and then a chemo treatment earlier today, or that he was undergoing chemo, and had had a blood transfusion earlier today. My apologies for not remembering the exact sequence.) He indicated that the chemo really is tough, and that Jim's counts were way down.

They're hoping that the chemo does the trick, and that after that Jim can undergo radiation treatments.

Jim's dad was aware that we had linked the gofundme site on this board, and he said the money had really been helpful. He mentioned that some of Jim's former teachers, as well as the Council Rock wrestling community, had recently staged some type of event to raise funds. (I think he said it was a beef and beer, at a pub in Richboro, PA, but I'm not certain of the details. dice, do you know the specifics?) As his dad did mention how helpful the gofundme site had been, and how appreciative they were of everyone's help, I can't help but point out that the link is still active. Tank recently donated to it, as did a couple of Nico's relatives, as well as various members of the Council Rock wrestling community.

We're all been waiting months for the season to start, and tomorrow night we get our wish. Along with our celebration of the start of PSU wrestling, I hope many of you will also continue to keep Jim in your thoughts and prayers, and if so motivated will also donate money to assist Jim.
Cancer is a tough beast, and there are no guaranteed treatments for the type of cancer that Jim has. So his dad was careful with what he stated. He indicated that his care is being supervised by CHOP (Children's Hospital of Philadelphia), but that his treatment is at a hospital much closer to his home. He had, in fact, just had a chemo treatment earlier today. (Actually, I can't remember if it was that he had recently had a blood transfusion and then a chemo treatment earlier today, or that he was undergoing chemo, and had had a blood transfusion earlier today. My apologies for not remembering the exact sequence.) He indicated that the chemo really is tough, and that Jim's counts were way down.
Chemo is a beast of a poison. I feel for Jim having had personal (wife) experience myself. I'll be thinking of him.
Just a little update.

Quite by chance, I saw Jim's dad this evening -- first time I've seen him in about 3 years. I asked him how Jim was doing.

Cancer is a tough beast, and there are no guaranteed treatments for the type of cancer that Jim has. So his dad was careful with what he stated. He indicated that his care is being supervised by CHOP (Children's Hospital of Philadelphia), but that his treatment is at a hospital much closer to his home. He had, in fact, just had a chemo treatment earlier today. (Actually, I can't remember if it was that he had recently had a blood transfusion and then a chemo treatment earlier today, or that he was undergoing chemo, and had had a blood transfusion earlier today. My apologies for not remembering the exact sequence.) He indicated that the chemo really is tough, and that Jim's counts were way down.

They're hoping that the chemo does the trick, and that after that Jim can undergo radiation treatments.

Jim's dad was aware that we had linked the gofundme site on this board, and he said the money had really been helpful. He mentioned that some of Jim's former teachers, as well as the Council Rock wrestling community, had recently staged some type of event to raise funds. (I think it said it was a beef and beer, at a pub in Richboro, PA, but I'm not certain of the details. dice, do you know the specifics?) As his dad did mention how helpful the gofundme site had been, and how appreciative they were of everyone's help, I can't help but point out that the link is still active. Tank recently donated to it, as did a couple of Nico's relatives, as well as various members of the Council Rock wrestling community.

We're all been waiting months for the season to start, and tomorrow night we get our wish. Along with our celebration of the start of PSU wrestling, I hope many of you will also continue to keep Jim in your thoughts and prayers, and if so motivated will also donate money to assist Jim.

Thank you for the update, Tom. I was wondering about Jim just yesterday, and I was actually going to post here and ask if anyone had an update. I've read about this particular cancer since Jim was diagnosed with it, and I must confess that I had never heard about it. All cancer scares me, but this one seems to be particularly insidious.