JJ .... Do you think he can.....


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2002
Palm a football by placing his thumb at one apex of the ball and the first joint of his little finger at the apex of the other end.

The guys got some pretty big mitts and seems to enjoy wrapping up the pig skin.
He's going to improve as the season goes on. What we need right now, though, is Blacknall to be back on the field and thrown to.
He's going to improve as the season goes on. What we need right now, though, is Blacknall to be back on the field and thrown to.
I agree but Blacknall has to get more physical, physical, he needs to get physical, Saeed get physical.:eek:
What the world...needs now
Is Sa-Eed Blacknall
It's the only thing
That there's just...too little of

Even Burt Bacharach agrees