Joel Klatt: PSU is third tier

Apologize the link is missing. He has us 4th overall and third tier. Sheesh, was that bowling Green debacle that bad?
I don't believe that the BG game was that bad in hindsight. However, this team needs to play better and more consistently to impress people who only look at scores and watch PSU play once or twice a year. The first half defensive and second hal offesive performances in the BG game are unacceptable and won't be enough to beat USC and OSU and maybe even a few other teams.

During the WVU game, Klatt was optimistic about PSU's playoff chances and kept saying that the schedule sets up nicely for us.
Apologize the link is missing. He has us 4th overall and third tier. Sheesh, was that bowling Green debacle that bad?

Yes- it was to people outside of Happy Valley and let’s face it, they’re the people deciding who goes to the playoff.

It’s true, we are only 2 games in. A lot can change between now and Thanksgiving but for media like Klatt judging results as of today, the Bowling Green game only reinforces previously held opinions.
I can't say I know what "3rd Tier" is (sounds pretty bad), but he has us at #9 in his recent rankings. That's consistent with earlier rankings.

I didn’t hear his recent comments. On his show he often talks about teams by ‘tier’. IIRC, he’s said PSU is second tier in the Big Ten because they generally can’t beat Ohio St and Michigan.

He was complimentary of PSU after the WVU game but his general take is it’s early, let’s see if they can continue. The general opinion is that PSU gets talked about as “this is the year” for a breakthrough but always comes up short.
meaning, in the playoffs?

meaningless at this point. If we can have zero or one loss, we'll be in with a bye. If we have two losses, we probably don't deserve to be in it anyway.
Only conference champions can get a bye. If we have one loss, in the CCG, then we would not get a bye
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I didn’t hear his recent comments. On his show he often talks about teams by ‘tier’. IIRC, he’s said PSU is second tier in the Big Ten because they generally can’t beat Ohio St and Michigan.

He was complimentary of PSU after the WVU game but his general take is it’s early, let’s see if they can continue. The general opinion is that PSU gets talked about as “this is the year” for a breakthrough but always comes up short.

Yeah, I don't buy that, "this is the year" stuff.... I was genuinely hopeful last year thinking we might be able to get one of those two, but that wasn't the case at all.
New drinking game… take a drink everytime Lando mentions West Virginia in a thread. You’ll definitely need an Uber

Poor dude became obsessed when he was so wrong about them last year. He's been out to prove himself right ever since. Everything he's done on this board since then has been influenced by that clinical preoccupation.
Apologize the link is missing. He has us 4th overall and third tier. Sheesh, was that bowling Green debacle that bad?
What is a Joel Klatt?

I did a little research. He was a 3 year starting QB for the Colorado Buffaloes. Under his stewardship at QB, the Buff's were 5-7, 8-5 and 7-6.

I wonder what tier Joel Klatt is in.

And it's WAY too early to start trying to read the tea leaves regarding how this season is going to play out.

Avoid the upset, avoid key injuries and continue to work hard and improve. Block out the 'irritants' that continue to question the potential of our team and use their doubts as motivation.
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Remember, guys like this are paid to stir up controversy. Finebaum is worse. Who made him the holy judge of college football? Also, don't forget that there is a bias against northern teams.

True, and Finebaum definitely fits that category. Bombastic with a southern bias. Klatt is generally more even keeled (although he does have serious bias toward Colorado since he played there).
Poor dude became obsessed when he was so wrong about them last year. He's been out to prove himself right ever since. Everything he's done on this board since then has been influenced by that clinical preoccupation.
I still wasn't wrong about them last year. It's honestly comical anyone still doesn't comprehend what occurred last year. Smoke and mirrors--it was all an illusion. For some reason, WVU fans seem to have already accepted this and want Neal Brown fired but our fan base wants to make us beating WVU something it's not.
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What is a Joel Klatt?

I did a little research. He was a 3 year starting QB for the Colorado Buffaloes. Under his stewardship at QB, the Buff's were 5-7, 8-5 and 7-6.

I wonder what tier Joel Klatt is in.

And it's WAY too early to start trying to read the tea leaves regarding how this season is going to play out.

Avoid the upset, avoid key injuries and continue to work hard and improve. Block out the 'irritants' that continue to question the potential of our team and use their doubts as motivation.
Well the "avoid key injuries" has gone right into the toilet now with Winston out for the season. Looks like Klatt is right, without Winston we probably are third tier.
I don't believe that the BG game was that bad in hindsight. However, this team needs to play better and more consistently to impress people who only look at scores and watch PSU play once or twice a year. The first half defensive and second hal offesive performances in the BG game are unacceptable and won't be enough to beat USC and OSU and maybe even a few other teams.

During the WVU game, Klatt was optimistic about PSU's playoff chances and kept saying that the schedule sets up nicely for us.
The loss of Winston is a big loss. Not only do you lose a really good player but it will also impact our scheme, possibly forcing more three LB downs which is also a position with little depth.
I don't believe that the BG game was that bad in hindsight. However, this team needs to play better and more consistently to impress people who only look at scores and watch PSU play once or twice a year. The first half defensive and second hal offesive performances in the BG game are unacceptable and won't be enough to beat USC and OSU and maybe even a few other teams.

During the WVU game, Klatt was optimistic about PSU's playoff chances and kept saying that the schedule sets up nicely for us.
We played 1 poor half ( didn’t adjust till halftime) of defense against a pretty solid team. Need to adjust/ resolve quicker ( figure out immediate communication)….should be fine. Offense is pretty good, needs to improve consistency weekly. Offense ceiling is high. BG will play TAM and N Illinois, otherwise they should be favored in all the other games. BG will likely end up with 8 to 10 wins.
—As “ugly” as we sometimes played, I’m not sure we’re any worse than Oregon or USC. Neither of those schools should scare us at this point.
—Need substantial improvement ( do-able) to play a competitive game against OSU.
—Klatt’s pretty solid with his assessments, but I think this one’s a bit premature
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Well the "avoid key injuries" has gone right into the toilet now with Winston out for the season. Looks like Klatt is right, without Winston we probably are third tier.
Yeah not good since he was and still is a 2nd rd NFL guy perhaps and one of our best players. This really will make it challenging vs USC not to mention OSU. Franklin seems fairly confident that freshman Dejuan Lane will be able to step up.
What is a Joel Klatt?

I did a little research. He was a 3 year starting QB for the Colorado Buffaloes. Under his stewardship at QB, the Buff's were 5-7, 8-5 and 7-6.

I wonder what tier Joel Klatt is in.

And it's WAY too early to start trying to read the tea leaves regarding how this season is going to play out.

Avoid the upset, avoid key injuries and continue to work hard and improve. Block out the 'irritants' that continue to question the potential of our team and use their doubts as motivation.
Joel Klatt is a gasbag
Joel Klatt is a gasbag
Why b/c he was not overly glowing? I mean doesn't he still have us top 10? Who cares at this point. Why should any media pundit truly believe PSU will finally get over the top, until they do. Until then, most fairly should put us where Klatt did...back end of the top 10 until proven otherwise.
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There are teams/schools where it’s just acceptable for talking heads to want them to succeed. Michigan, ND, Ohio State…They will make every excuse possible to make them look good. Then there are teams that are an afterthought. They’re not “supposed” to be good so they get no credit.

I think PSU is in the middle somewhere. Nobody is surprised if we’re a top 10 ish team, but when we get in the top 5, people look for a reason to exclude us. That’s why using human polling to crown a champion or even pick a top 12 is just stupid. Granted, I get the auto bid for conference champs excludes the human polling, but the system is still flawed.
Why b/c he was not overly glowing? I mean doesn't he still have us top 10? Who cares at this point. Why should any media pundit truly believe PSU will finally get over the top, until they do. Until then, most fairly should put us where Klatt did...back end of the top 10 until proven otherwise.
It has nothing to do with what he says. . He, Herbstriet, Finebaum, and the new guy Pate, they're all gasbags. I just don't think they are any more knowledgeable than an informed fan but they do have a platform. They are mostly sought out for confirmation bias. BTW I generally agree with your assessment of the program
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I don't believe that the BG game was that bad in hindsight. However, this team needs to play better and more consistently to impress people who only look at scores and watch PSU play once or twice a year. The first half defensive and second hal offesive performances in the BG game are unacceptable and won't be enough to beat USC and OSU and maybe even a few other teams.

During the WVU game, Klatt was optimistic about PSU's playoff chances and kept saying that the schedule sets up nicely for us.
The BG game was bad. They're a MAC team and PSU is supposedly a top 10 P5 team. I realize that anybody can have a bad day but there's really no way to sugar coat it.

I have serious concerns about the defense after watching that game. Zuriah Fisher's injury hurt and now we've lost one of our best defensive players KJ Winston.

IMO the second half offense was another example of Franklin's short getting tight in close games. Of course I don't know that for sure but the play calling seemed very conservative after PSU took the lead in the 3rd qtr. Of course penalties also hurt.
Why should any media pundit truly believe PSU will finally get over the top, until they do. Until then, most fairly should put us where Klatt did...back end of the top 10 until proven otherwise.

If it is strictly "how teams have played so far", our spot it is fine.

If it's an "until they do", Miami at #3 is garbage.

I think Klatt is ranking the former and you are using the latter to justify our ranking while ignoring others with the same evaluation.
If it is strictly "how teams have played so far", our spot it is fine.

If it's an "until they do", Miami at #3 is garbage.

I think Klatt is ranking the former and you are using the latter to justify our ranking while ignoring others with the same evaluation.
Good point about Miami. I think what I was getting at is the opinions that pundits generate for PSU are largely and likely about our previous seasons where we are built up as a playoff team, that will finally get over the hump, and then come crashing down. To your point, doing any of these September 'evaluations' or rankings is meaningless until we get into late Oct and Nov, IMO.
What is a Joel Klatt?

I did a little research. He was a 3 year starting QB for the Colorado Buffaloes. Under his stewardship at QB, the Buff's were 5-7, 8-5 and 7-6.

I wonder what tier Joel Klatt is in.
That doesn't make him a bad analyst.

Franklin never played Division I. Does that make him a bad coach?
It has nothing to do with what he says. . He, Herbstriet, Finebaum, and the new guy Pate, they're all gasbags. I just don't think they are any more knowledgeable than an informed fan but they do have a platform. They are mostly sought out for confirmation bias. BTW I generally agree with your assessment of the program
Lol at saying Herbie isn't more knowledgeable. He's the one guy that can truly discuss any program. He prepares for 3 games a week on top of that. Including him shows your bias.

3rd tier doesn't mean much...his 1st tier is probably 2 schools