John Shoop....


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2013
the corner of Pork & Beans
...was let go as OC at Purdue last week. He has a good resume and word was that he had Purdue moving in the right direction, but did not get along with the mucketty mucks in the Athletic Department. Do you think he is under consideration to be OC at PSU, to join his widely respected brother Bob?
Is there any program that has ever gone as directly backwards as Purdue from 2000-present?
Absolutely NOT. How'd he do with the Bears? And just got fired by a dead program? Pass.

I was going to say the same thing. As a Bears fan, I couldn't wait for him to get his pink slip from them in the early 2000s. He was terrible. And if he's getting fired from Purdue, how good can he really be?