Just wanted to say hello.


Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Mar 2, 2021
I’ve lurked here a lot, from time to time. Finally made an account. Lots of knowledge here, I probably won’t be able to add any, but figured B1Gs is as good a time as any to join the forum. Here’s to a great weekend of wrestling, and ten healthy qualifiers going on to the real prize.
I’ve lurked here a lot, from time to time. Finally made an account. Lots of knowledge here, I probably won’t be able to add any, but figured B1Gs is as good a time as any to join the forum. Here’s to a great weekend of wrestling, and ten healthy qualifiers going on to the real prize.
Well .... welcome! I had a college roommate who wrestled for PSU (not a starter) back in the 60’s. He got me started and I’ve be watching wrestling inside Rec Hall for 50+ years now. This site is always interesting with varied opinions and insights from good natured fans.
I’ve lurked here a lot, from time to time. Finally made an account. Lots of knowledge here, I probably won’t be able to add any, but figured B1Gs is as good a time as any to join the forum. Here’s to a great weekend of wrestling, and ten healthy qualifiers going on to the real prize.
I gave you a like, just to help get your totals up. This board can be rough at times, but it is not cesspool level -yet....
I’ve lurked here a lot, from time to time. Finally made an account. Lots of knowledge here, I probably won’t be able to add any, but figured B1Gs is as good a time as any to join the forum. Here’s to a great weekend of wrestling, and ten healthy qualifiers going on to the real prize.
Always nice to see new people join to talk about the best sport in the world. Hope you enjoy it
Anti Jammenz Welcome...
The brush strokes on that screen door are hideous, and that looks like a female Jame Gumb situation. Sorry, but I’m backing away from there like I’m from Stillwater.
Welcome. You are off to a good posting tips.

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Welcome most of us lurked here. I think I joined right before bigs as well a few years ago. Welcome to the best wrestling board on the planet with the most knowledgeable fans around. Iowa sucks I kid I kid
Also welcome from another mostly lurker. Speaking of excellent sources of information - check the website of the Penn State Wrestling club. Watch scores and results in real time and a lot more.
Since you have been lurking around for a while, maybe you can tell us what mat Carton vs Pletcher will be on and who is the last person to beat Nico in the room!
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