Just watched officials rescue a dog off lake Erie.


Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Aug 21, 2001
Dog has been caught on the ice on the lake for three days. I thought it was a gonner as it lost strength. Somebody got an airboat onto the lake and drove it out there, about a mile out. Apparently, they got close yesterday but were concerned the ice would break under the them (the rescuers).

20 people helping guide the boat from my neighbor's deck via cell phone.

Suddenly the dog's head pops up...cheers.

Dog gets up and runs toward the boat...louder cheers. Dog is alive and moving well!

Dog turns and runs away from the loud boat...groans.

Boaters try to heard dog to shore but a big pile of ice, perhaps six to ten feet high, impedes them. Sudden dispair!

Boaters turn off boat (which was brave), call runs to boat! Officials grab dog and waves. Cheers, Tears, Hugs all around.

Really something to watch on my binoculars from a mile away. Very happy indeed.
Glad to hear. Amazing what people will do to save an animal. I just wasted thousands to make my dog better and it ended up killing him.

23 days ago, I took my just turned 8 year old yellow lab to have a couple of lipomas removed so he could be active (like he very much was) into his elder years without the extra weight. A week ago, he became ill and after many tests it was confirmed that the anti biotic the vet prescribed ended up doing what it rarely does.. causing bone marrow suppression.

He began to improve slightly because the reaction is reversible when treated, however, his respiratory system became infected and in a 6 hour span from a previous update tuesday evening, could not breathe on his own so the hospital called me in to say goodbye and I stayed with him for a couple of hours before I gave the doctor the word that it was time to let him go.

Keep in mind I was not aware of these side effects. I had taken him to two other vets early last week and they said that it was just a slight infection, and prescribed the same antibiotics and advised I up the dosage! All while he deteriorated before my eyes, because of the medication I was giving him. In hindsight I did notice the signs, but since I was oblivious, I didn't pay it any mind. Just thought it was an "infection".

Once I explained to my roommate from school (he and his wife are both vets) the symptoms, he asked what antibiotic he was on. I told him, BACTRIM, and he said take him to a specialist immediately. It was too late.

Don't let your vet prescribe your animal BACTRIM!
thank you

I am sorry for your loss. The bond between man and his dog can not be understood by those who have never experienced it.. Thank you for informing me about Bactrim.. My dogs will never knowingly be given it
Wow. I can't believe a vet would prescribe Bactrim for a dog

I know a yellow lab is a bigger dog.....but Bactrim is getting close to the "nuclear option" of antibiotics in humans. There aren't a whole lot of levels above it.

Regardless, I'm very sorry to hear of your loss. Labs are amazing dogs. The wife had one before we got married, and the pup was awesome.
Re: Wow. I can't believe a vet would prescribe Bactrim for a dog

Yeah my friend couldn't believe it either. He said that he will prescribe it, but once every 24 hours unlike the every 12 hours I was instructed to give it.
Re: Wow. I can't believe a vet would prescribe Bactrim for a dog

That's in an incredibly heartbreaking story TPSU that had to just suck. So so sorry
I have three black labs. All between 7-10 years old. Love them like my children
Seriously dude, really sorry