Link below...the 2nd Tweet.
This is apparently intended to be a peace offering to the scumbags who burned down Kenosha and have hijacked our justice system.
Yeah, cookies will do the trick. Damn it, why didn't we think of that before?
Oh well, if nothing else, this offers helpful insight into the character of the simpering cowards in police uniforms who stood by last summer as their town was torched and a teenage boy, the only one with balls enough to resist, was hung out to dry.
Meanwhile, 12 jurors are near the close of 3 days of deliberation over the difficult question of whether what they saw with their own eyes on tape actually happened.
That should be an easy question for people with room-temperature IQ's to answer...except when under physical threat from the very ones who burned down the town and walked away free as birds.
Can there be any doubt that the jurors are asking themselves whether the cookie merchants in police uniforms, who stood down as the mobs rampaged last August, can now be relied on to protect those same jurors and their families from the mobs which now call the shots in Brave New Amerika? I mean, wouldn't you ask that question? I would.
We're screwed, guys. America is history. It's been replaced by a country ruled by mobs which are protected by propaganda organs masquerading as media...appeased by police offering an anesthetized citizenry looks on...and legions of Useful Idiots recite talking points on cue...while intimidated juries struggle to balance the law and their consciences against the political reality of a hopelessly corrupt government.
The whole thing is a nightmare vision worthy of Orwell. If it were a fictional movie plot, it would be deemed too ridiculous to be believed. Yet here we are.
Still, there is one critical question left to answer: were the Surrender Cookies chocolate chip, sugar, or peanut butter? History would like to know.
This is apparently intended to be a peace offering to the scumbags who burned down Kenosha and have hijacked our justice system.
Yeah, cookies will do the trick. Damn it, why didn't we think of that before?
Oh well, if nothing else, this offers helpful insight into the character of the simpering cowards in police uniforms who stood by last summer as their town was torched and a teenage boy, the only one with balls enough to resist, was hung out to dry.
Meanwhile, 12 jurors are near the close of 3 days of deliberation over the difficult question of whether what they saw with their own eyes on tape actually happened.
That should be an easy question for people with room-temperature IQ's to answer...except when under physical threat from the very ones who burned down the town and walked away free as birds.
Can there be any doubt that the jurors are asking themselves whether the cookie merchants in police uniforms, who stood down as the mobs rampaged last August, can now be relied on to protect those same jurors and their families from the mobs which now call the shots in Brave New Amerika? I mean, wouldn't you ask that question? I would.
We're screwed, guys. America is history. It's been replaced by a country ruled by mobs which are protected by propaganda organs masquerading as media...appeased by police offering an anesthetized citizenry looks on...and legions of Useful Idiots recite talking points on cue...while intimidated juries struggle to balance the law and their consciences against the political reality of a hopelessly corrupt government.
The whole thing is a nightmare vision worthy of Orwell. If it were a fictional movie plot, it would be deemed too ridiculous to be believed. Yet here we are.
Still, there is one critical question left to answer: were the Surrender Cookies chocolate chip, sugar, or peanut butter? History would like to know.