It must be a Lehigh Valley trait. When Rohn's Northampton was loaded and wrestling Nunamaker's Nazareth teams the whole Northampton fan base would yell stall when the Nazareth kid would work the edge of the mat. It was probably deserved.
Keep in mind both teams were top 5 nationally ranked and the fan bases were passionate about their teams.
The worst incident I ever witnessed at a high school sporting event was down Nazareth when after a great match ,2 fans got into an argument and started to fight in the lobby that spewed outside. Nazareth was in the process of remodeling and there were construction material outside. The one guy picked up a brick and hit the other guy with it in the head. Blood everywhere, a female security officer tried to intervene but got thrown to the ground. Me and a couple a guys grabbed the guy with the brick until more security came. Security then put both guys in the same little room and a 2nd fight broke out among the 2 guys until the guy that was bleeding dropped. I believe they had to medivac the guy.
I asked a guy who seemed to be friends of one other participant's what started the fight and he said it was all about stalling.