I think it is pretty clear by now that he is an asshole, and pretty corrupt. At the very least, I think he is a man of very few morals. He is self-centered, egotistical, and often lies to get what he wants. I hate that about him. He also stirs up trouble sometimes when he doesn’t need to…just to be a dick. Annoying as hell, to me.
On the other hand, he comes across as a little nuts to the enemies of this country. I kind of like that. He has no appetite for bullshit and calls out the media, Democrats, AND Republicans. He certainly isn’t afraid to call out those within his party. Who else does that? He loathes bad deals, which can be very beneficial when negotiating with other countries. He sure as hell got NATO countries to pay up, and he got Mexico to actually help at our border. I was a bit surprised.
He doesn’t play by the typical rules of Washington either, which makes him an outsider, and “dangerous” to the corruption we call government. I like that too. In an odd way, Trump’s corruption helped expose our government’s corruption. Part of me likes that and the other part is saddened by it.
In conclusion, he isn’t going away, but he is too polarizing to win over enough people to ever be POTUS again. That said, I am happy he provided an example of how an outsider can beat the establishment. I hope another, less polarizing figure can emerge and take on Washington. Both parties are too entrenched, corrupt, and self-serving to exist without a good threat to their power on occasion. It is much needed.
On the other hand, he comes across as a little nuts to the enemies of this country. I kind of like that. He has no appetite for bullshit and calls out the media, Democrats, AND Republicans. He certainly isn’t afraid to call out those within his party. Who else does that? He loathes bad deals, which can be very beneficial when negotiating with other countries. He sure as hell got NATO countries to pay up, and he got Mexico to actually help at our border. I was a bit surprised.
He doesn’t play by the typical rules of Washington either, which makes him an outsider, and “dangerous” to the corruption we call government. I like that too. In an odd way, Trump’s corruption helped expose our government’s corruption. Part of me likes that and the other part is saddened by it.
In conclusion, he isn’t going away, but he is too polarizing to win over enough people to ever be POTUS again. That said, I am happy he provided an example of how an outsider can beat the establishment. I hope another, less polarizing figure can emerge and take on Washington. Both parties are too entrenched, corrupt, and self-serving to exist without a good threat to their power on occasion. It is much needed.