
negative ox

Jun 1, 2023
Off-season pretty slow on here. Could use some entertainment. @IRONBIRD's suspension soon up?
I completely recognize I may be served a suspension for entertaining the thought.
He couldn't last a week on parole.

Hmmm. Renders the thought. Could IB and AJ possible be the same person? Neither can function without an ALL CAPS personality and actions.
Off-season pretty slow on here. Could use some entertainment. His suspension soon up?
I completely recognize I may be served a suspension for entertaining the thought.
Kristen Wiig No GIF by The Lonely Island
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I tried to post a well thought out rebuttal to a comment he made. His response didn't deserve me to follow up with a comment.
Full me once, shame on you.
Full me twice, shame on me.😏
If you guys really miss him, I can provide free imitations that are basically the same thing. It prevents anyone wasting their valuable time feeding him and engaging in pointless arguments and also honestly is good for his mental health (whatever is left of it) if he just never returns to this board also and is reminded of PSU and THE GREAT KRAILURE's success

Nothing is official until we get IRONBIRD's

"It is OVER for the Kittens! Their time last TWOOOOOO long! This is the GAME CHANGER combined with NIL FaCiLiTies and SPENCER WINNING THE OLYMPICS that brings down the empire that the great KRAILURE beat. The wrestlers that BUILT his empire will now BUILD it in WRESTLING MECCA

We saw HUGE cracks in the armor last weekend. BRADEN DAVIS PROVED THE 125 CURSE IS PERMANENT and Nagao didn't AA and Pepe Le Beau proved he can only win when he STEALS it at the end like a CHEATER. Brooks only won because AJ wasn't there to TECH HIM

Not even the bird uses ALL caps but I can envision him

Parco is the FAVORITE at 149 now. He beat LOVER BOY last year TWOOOOOOOOO times. The PARTNERS in the room is SUPERIOR to POOL PARTY U. He was within ONE takedown of the NITTANY KITTY LAST YEAR who has been OUT and probably IGNORED by the GREAT KRAILURE!
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