Most of it is uninteresting and especially the looting. Hey, thieves going to thieve and regardless of whether there is a riot or not.
What I found most interesting was that when victims or threatened victims of the rioters came face to face with an armed citizen trying to protect his property, the Antifa punks ran like a bunch of scalded dogs. A couple of videos where the innocent target of the rioters was armed and started shooting produced the same result. The big bad Antifa punks pissed their pants and skirts running for the hills. It was funny watching them run away and screaming.
And then the fight club video that was posted by Project Veritas is telling. There are a few of the Antifa punks who look to be in decent physical condition and maybe even handle themselves well in hand to hand fighting. The rest, not so scary. They are effective when acting as a pack of attackers as they carefully choose to attack one or just a few where the punks greatly outnumber.
I noticed the peaceful protesting in Nashville yesterday and it was wonderfully calm. Police and protesters talking to each other with respect and with both sides feeling free to letting their guard down. I don't think there was one single arrest. There was no damage done to property. What you are seeing in the protest change in becoming non-violent is that behind the scenes, federal LE is arresting the leadership and comms folks within Antifa, I have been told. It's as simple as cutting the head off a snake. Soon Antifa will be dismantled. The punk that attacked journalist Andy Ngo was sentenced to almost 6 years in jail. Many others too will lose their freedom for a long time.
Oh and the threats from Antifa and the media warnings of violence spreading out to the suburbs never really developed. They knew that they would be met with a lot less patience than afforded them by local police. And so, they are not entirely stupid.
What I found most interesting was that when victims or threatened victims of the rioters came face to face with an armed citizen trying to protect his property, the Antifa punks ran like a bunch of scalded dogs. A couple of videos where the innocent target of the rioters was armed and started shooting produced the same result. The big bad Antifa punks pissed their pants and skirts running for the hills. It was funny watching them run away and screaming.
And then the fight club video that was posted by Project Veritas is telling. There are a few of the Antifa punks who look to be in decent physical condition and maybe even handle themselves well in hand to hand fighting. The rest, not so scary. They are effective when acting as a pack of attackers as they carefully choose to attack one or just a few where the punks greatly outnumber.
I noticed the peaceful protesting in Nashville yesterday and it was wonderfully calm. Police and protesters talking to each other with respect and with both sides feeling free to letting their guard down. I don't think there was one single arrest. There was no damage done to property. What you are seeing in the protest change in becoming non-violent is that behind the scenes, federal LE is arresting the leadership and comms folks within Antifa, I have been told. It's as simple as cutting the head off a snake. Soon Antifa will be dismantled. The punk that attacked journalist Andy Ngo was sentenced to almost 6 years in jail. Many others too will lose their freedom for a long time.
Oh and the threats from Antifa and the media warnings of violence spreading out to the suburbs never really developed. They knew that they would be met with a lot less patience than afforded them by local police. And so, they are not entirely stupid.