Lou's article - my thoughts...


Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Nov 9, 2004
I agree with Mr. Prato that the decorum at games is decreasing. But I also believe that as much as drunk, immature fans are to blame, the older generation is negatively impacting the game experience as well. Let me explain.

I'm 41, graduated in 1995. Going to games in person for the tailgating and game experience is one of my favorite things to do - even though I don't do it as much anymore.

During my last three game experiences, the tailgating experience has decreased in excitement due to multiple rule changes. That could fill an entire article by itself. Let's focus on the in-stadium experience for now.

Three examples where an older fan ruined the game experience for me:

- Ohio State game, section cheering loudly, me as well. Lots of good energy when all of a sudden the gentlemen next to me asked why I wasn't sitting in the student section. This person never stood once, asked those in front of him to sit down and never made a peep. No clapping, cheering or display of any type of emotion, except to insult me with his assertion that I would fit in more with current students at the game. I gave him an earful and continued on cheering on Penn State. His demeanor continued as if he were at a seminar of some kind.

- Alabama game, again, section cheering loudly, game starting up. Everyone standing and we are at seats that back up the walk way that splits upper sections with lower sections. The folks behind us, in the first row of the upper section, complain to an usher that they can't see when we stand up. Again, about four older folks who never stood once. Usher comes over and threatens to kick us out. Experience ruined. I understand not standing the entire game, although I'd like to someday but this was another example of how the in-game experience can be ruined by a few folks who don't have to be drunk, etc.

- Early season game, hanging with some old friends and we are at a game for the first time together since 1994. We got lost and couldn't find our section and ended up sitting in the wrong place. Instead of helping out, an older gentlemen chose to berate and insult us all, telling us we were in the wrong seats. We had to leave the section and get help elsewhere. Again, he wasn't drunk, just a grump and someone who looked like they belonged anywhere but a game.

I agree that profanity, drunkiness, violence, and no respect for the other team's fans can all ruin a game experience at Penn State. But so can folks whose good intentions and common courtesy left them a long time ago.
Likely has less to do with age than the fact that some are naturally unfriendly. That said, sports crowds in general (not just at Penn State) display far less decorum than they used to. It's a reflection of a society with its priorities having gone awry.
Originally posted by nits74:
Likely has less to do with age than the fact that some are naturally unfriendly. That said, sports crowds in general (not just at Penn State) display far less decorum than they used to. It's a reflection of a society with its priorities having gone awry.
Ohio State game, a few "new" fans came to the game, obviously a little tipsy and proceeded to give verbal threats to the guy who sits in front of us who has a seat back. This one lout with a big fat ass kept pushing his buddies into the guy. His friends finally calmed him down before I was going to call security. A few years ago some really drunk fans were sitting behind us and I had to threaten the people with physical harm if their drunk friend puked on my wife. It usually only happens at big games and usually at night when people have been drinking all day. The other annoyance is when you get the asshole who will never sit down and just stands the entire game just for the hell of it. Unfortunately, we are in the "me" generation now and people just don't give a damn about others anymore. It is not all the time, but when it happens, it really is annoying and unnecessary.
I gotta just say this. Season ticket holder since 1993.

I have never, not once, had a bad experience in the stadium. No lunatic out of control stinking puking drunks, no piss balloons, pretty good spirit throughout. I'm up in NJU.

By comparison - a high rolling friend of mine got six together for the Alabama game down low on the 40, press box side. The people down there (obviously well heeled season ticket holders) were the crabbiest bunch of stiffs I've ever seen. These people don't want to let you pass through in the aisle and gave a lot of stink eyes to our group. I hate to say this, but they were o-l-d.

I hate to say it because I ain't getting any younger either, but if I ever act like that, take me out behind the barn and put me out of my misery. Now God knows my crew and I have been known to partake in plenty of various adult beverages before and after (and none of you have any proof about during). I live for football weekends and I'm not about to have my style cramped. No fuss, no muss, no trouble, no security, no nothing, it isn't hard.

There are some people that should be put out to pasture, but before you get too tough on them - with STEP, they are paying salty, and we need the money. Come on up to the skybox with the Fox and have a good time.
Re: I gotta just say this. Season ticket holder since 1993.

You gotta stand all game in NJU! You are up so high you' re freezing your nuts off! Lol, I've seen Sherpas escorting people to their seats up there!
I wish there was a "young and young at heart" alumni section

I want to sit with the loud, standing room section when I'm at a game. I don't know if I could keep up in the student section these days, but that still sounds better to me than the alternative of sitting there and politely clapping occasionally. This isn't golf. I have found that the north upper deck was pretty fun, likely due to those seats being cheaper and therefore having newer, younger season ticket holders. That's probably the only section that stands out. I don't own tickets and I only go to one game every 3-4 years so I sit wherever I can get tickets. I've never had a bad experience either like some in this thread, but I do wish there was a section for fans like me that aren't students, but still want somewhat of a student section environment but a little less rowdy.
Re: I gotta just say this. Season ticket holder since 1993.

Originally posted by Fox Chapel Lion II:
I have never, not once, had a bad experience in the stadium. No lunatic out of control stinking puking drunks, no piss balloons, pretty good spirit throughout. I'm up in NJU.

By comparison - a high rolling friend of mine got six together for the Alabama game down low on the 40, press box side. The people down there (obviously well heeled season ticket holders) were the crabbiest bunch of stiffs I've ever seen. These people don't want to let you pass through in the aisle and gave a lot of stink eyes to our group. I hate to say this, but they were o-l-d.

I hate to say it because I ain't getting any younger either, but if I ever act like that, take me out behind the barn and put me out of my misery. Now God knows my crew and I have been known to partake in plenty of various adult beverages before and after (and none of you have any proof about during). I live for football weekends and I'm not about to have my style cramped. No fuss, no muss, no trouble, no security, no nothing, it isn't hard.

There are some people that should be put out to pasture, but before you get too tough on them - with STEP, they are paying salty, and we need the money. Come on up to the skybox with the Fox and have a good time.
I've been a ticket holder about the same amount of time as you. I started out in NJU as well.
Even with the visiting fans the only bad experience was '99 with some pitt fans, yea I know hard to believe huh?

I moved over to NEU about 2003 and the only fan I've seen kicked out since was an OSU woman in '05 who was as foul mouthed as any man I've ever heard. She didn't even make through the first quarter.
Its gotten a little worse in that section since they moved all the visiting fans along the top rows but all in all not that bad.

As for the in/out crowd I get annoyed when its a constant stream of the same people to the concession stand and they wait until the end of the tv time out. the instant replay review or the last possession of the first half to stand up and try and get out. yea that pisses me off.
Re: I gotta just say this. Season ticket holder since 1993.

I'll preface this by saying I've been a season ticket holder since the 70's. Obviously I'm an older fan and have been to many PSU games in many venues through the years. I've seen the all types of fans, from young, drunk and belligerent to old, grumpy and sullen. No matter where you go or sit or whatever team for whom you root, eventually you'll come across a fan(s) with whom you'll have a difference of opinion. It's inevitable. We're all different. That's what makes the world so interesting. On those occasions when I've encountered a fan with an issue or gripe, I usually apologize, tell him/her that attending a PSU game is one of my great joys in life and don't want to ruin his/her experience and I know that they don't want to ruin mine. A smile goes a long way to resolving conflict. BTW, I'm well into my 60's and the folks around me are of a similar age or older and we all scream our collective butts off for the entire game.
This post was edited on 4/10 3:41 PM by OldTiredLion
Originally posted by rudedude:
Ohio State game, a few "new" fans came to the game, obviously a little tipsy and proceeded to give verbal threats to the guy who sits in front of us who has a seat back. This one lout with a big fat ass kept pushing his buddies into the guy. His friends finally calmed him down before I was going to call security. A few years ago some really drunk fans were sitting behind us and I had to threaten the people with physical harm if their drunk friend puked on my wife. It usually only happens at big games and usually at night when people have been drinking all day. The other annoyance is when you get the asshole who will never sit down and just stands the entire game just for the hell of it. Unfortunately, we are in the "me" generation now and people just don't give a damn about others anymore. It is not all the time, but when it happens, it really is annoying and unnecessary.
I yell, scream and clap but can do it sitting down. I try not to stand because there is an older guy behind me
who can't. He's very cool about, maybe since we've been sitting in the same section for about 10 years but he's told me its ok to stand. I try to limit my standing to big plays and big 3rd downs.

I'm about 6' 3" and have pretty long legs and I hate the chair backs in front of me.
OTL - by no means am I using age as my criterion

My Mom is 74 and she gets to at least one game every year. Dad has slowed down and has too much trouble anymore, but he got to the Navy game as his swan song (he and I are both Navy men). On the other side of the stairway is a man from Lancaster who played ball for an ACC school in the 50's - full of spirit and juice and has a great time every week and a pleasure to talk to. Tells me stories all the time about Choo Choo Justice. He ran back punts (was a DB) - I asked him, 'that's the worst job in football. How do you catch a punt in the rain and wind with some LB ready to knock your block off?'.

I will never forget his answer and I use it as my motto. He said Fox young man (I'm in my 50's) - the very first thing you have to do, is believe you can do it.

Age has nothing to do with it - it's the attitude. Are you here to have fun with your fellow fans and cheer for our Lions? Or are you here to be a stiff? That's what makes or breaks the experience.

Don't be a stiff, be reasonable to your fellow fans, don't get maced in the face like that Michigan yoyo did, don't be a stinko drunk. Easiest possible things to do.
I don't mind when fans stand, just not the whole game or just be the only 2 people standing in the section, especially when you are right in front of me. Believe me, I get jacked up for games and do my share of yelling, stomping, and standing. There is nothing like it when the Beaver is a rocking!
What a drag it is getting old.........start singing it loud and proud! Fans want quiet, then tell them to go to Temple and Pitt games! They can pick their seats! OSU fans ain't talkin about this crap!
I have never had a problem with standing for an entire football game as I used to tell myself, there's a guy down there on sidelines in his late '70s standing. If he can do it, I can do it.

What I do find bothersome, and it's usually a young person who has had a few, that insists on standing when no one is standing in front of him. He could see the action fine sitting but his standing now has forced everyone behind him to stand which isn't necessary. That I find bothersome.

I also understand wanting to stand at a crucial time of the game, near the goal line, fourth down, etc., but to have people standing during the second series of the game on 1st-and-10 on your own 20-yard line, c'mon, is that really necessary then?

Sometimes though I prefer standing to having the person behind me keep kneeing me in the back.