Love Her or Hate Her.......She sure has kicked the hornet's nest


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2014
and that nest needed a good kicking!!!!

They "Old Boys" sure are scared of this "lightweight"....LMAO

Now they are engaged in unsealing selective orders (the ones which - just maybe - they feel help their cause :) )

Anyone who has gotten under the skin of the scoundrels to this extent.......ya' gotta' root for!!!


"Less than a week after state Attorney General Kathleen Kane called for the release of allegedly pornographic and racist emails she claims are at the heart of a political vendetta against her, the state Supreme Court has unsealed orders in the underlying cases, and signaled that more documents could be unsealed soon.

On Tuesday afternoon, the court issued two orders unsealing previous orders in a case that involved Kane’s challenge to the authority of the judge who supervised the 35th Statewide Investigating Grand Jury. That grand jury recommended Kane face criminal charges related to allegedly leaking grand jury secrets. Charges against her were filed earlier this month.

Both unsealed orders granted Kane’s motions to file her challenge under seal. However, the orders also note that the purpose of the protective order that supervising grand jury Judge William R. Carpenter issued was “not intended to restrict or impact ‘appropriate public [disclosure]’ of information connected with the possession and/or distribution of possibly pornographic images by members of the [Office of Attorney General].”

Both unsealed orders had been entered Dec. 19 in the cases Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General v. Supervising Judge of the Thirty-Fifth Statewide Investigating Grand Jury and In re the Thirty-Five Statewide Investigating Grand Jury.

The unsealed orders also said that the purpose of Carpenter’s order was to “prevent the intimidation, obstruction and/or retaliation, in the ordinary sense of the words ... [and] was never intended to prevent the [Office of Attorney General] from carrying out its constitutional duties.”

In a press conference Aug. 12, Kane said the charges against her are part of a plan to keep the email chain under wraps. She called on Carpenter to allow all the emails to be released.

“In light of public statements made last week by Attorney General Kane, the court is releasing two previously sealed orders for public view, after confirming that there are no present concerns with grand-jury secrecy associated with such release,” the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts said in a statement issued along with the unsealing orders. “The court is presently engaged in a broader review to determine whether additional associated documents lodged in the prothonotary’s office may now be unsealed.”

In a statement released to the press, Kane’s attorney, Gerald L. Shargel of Winston & Strawn, said he and Kane were pleased with the unsealing orders, and said “it is our hope” that the Supreme Court will released additional related documents.

“We expect that appropriate public disclosure will occur in connection with the vigorous defense of the criminal charges that have been laid against her,” Shargel said in the statement. “These images and the emails to which they are attached are essential to demonstrating Attorney General Kane’s innocence, and the abject flaws of the district attorney’s affidavit of probable cause.”
I neither love, nor hate her. I did vote for her, but I am not impressed with her body of work as Attorney General. I think she is in over her head and that has nothing to do with politics. As for the criminal charges, I don't have enough information to even begin forming an opinion so I will trust that the justice system will reach an appropriate result.
I neither love, nor hate her. I did vote for her, but I am not impressed with her body of work as Attorney General. I think she is in over her head and that has nothing to do with politics. As for the criminal charges, I don't have enough information to even begin forming an opinion so I will trust that the justice system will reach an appropriate result.
I neither love, nor hate her. I did vote for her, but I am not impressed with her body of work as Attorney General. I think she is in over her head and that has nothing to do with politics. As for the criminal charges, I don't have enough information to even begin forming an opinion so I will trust that the justice system will reach an appropriate result.

unimpressed by the 300+ pedophile arrests? or the drugs dealers she's taken off the streets??

just curious. :D
The republicans want her out for a gazillion reasons and the democrats want her out to keep Hillary free of controversy in PA.

Kane needs to release the emails before it's too late.
unimpressed by the 300+ pedophile arrests? or the drugs dealers she's taken off the streets??
just curious. :D
I have a litany of things, but I'm watching the Bucs and don't want to get into it now. This situation will be with us for a while so I'll pick it up another time.
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fair enough. the press has definitely been at her throat since Day 1, I get the feeling her accomplishments have been significant but quiet.
And I am not suggesting she is without accomplishments. Perhaps I just expect too much of our elected officials but...back to the Bucs who lead 4-3 in 5th
I neither love, nor hate her. I did vote for her, but I am not impressed with her body of work as Attorney General. I think she is in over her head and that has nothing to do with politics. As for the criminal charges, I don't have enough information to even begin forming an opinion so I will trust that the justice system will reach an appropriate result.
Counselor: I'm mildly surprised that you are so trusting of the justice system, given what has transpired to date.
Counselor: I'm mildly surprised that you are so trusting of the justice system, given what has transpired to date.
I've given over 40 years of my life to that system. It's not perfect but I think it works over 99% of the time.
I will trust that the justice system will reach an appropriate result.

Come now, fairgambit. That's not how it works in Pennsylvania. Scream bloody murder, fire her, and let the smear campaign and her guilt play out in the media. That's how you get results in the Keystone State.

I'm disappointed in you. Have you learned nothing at all in the last few years?

Come now, fairgambit. That's not how it works in Pennsylvania. Scream bloody murder, fire her, and let the smear campaign and her guilt play out in the media. That's how you get results in the Keystone State.

I'm disappointed in you. Have you learned nothing at all in the last few years?


That's the MO of Pa. Jurisprudence.
I thought you were against drug arrests? ARen't they all innocent victims clogging the jails?

When you got nothing, it would be best for you just to stop.

Going by this post you have nothing. Zero. Nada.

Keep going, and I will conclude that is also the story of what is between your ears.
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When you got nothing, it would be best for you just to stop.

Going by this post you have nothing. Zero. Nada.

Keep going, and I will conclude that is also the story of what is between your ears.

Kane was charged. That is what I got. She is going down. Her career is over. You can keep making excuses but everyone knows she is going down including the Governor. Mot of her supporters have bailed.
Kane was charged. That is what I got. She is going down. Her career is over. You can keep making excuses but everyone knows she is going down including the Governor. Mot of her supporters have bailed.
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Zwick, we get it. You have made your opinion known oh-so-many times. Why not go state it somewhere else, to a new audience?
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