Trump, Making Leftwing Extremists Unhinged Again.... MLEUA (pronounced mil-loooo-uh).
And this guy is a never Trumper too.
That said, the hyperbole surrounding the new administration is also breathtaking: “Trump 2.0: The most damaging first two weeks in presidential history,” began a Washington Post column by Ruth Marcus. “This Isn’t reform; it’s sabotage” went one by David Wallace-Wells in the New York Times. Yuval Levin speaking on Ezra Klein’s show talked about the “breakage” of the Constitution. Law professors are having a high-time being quoted as saying that Trump is leading a “coup” and conducting a “blitzkrieg on the law” (Nazi analogies are never far from the front of mind, if not the front of war).
And this guy is a never Trumper too.
That said, the hyperbole surrounding the new administration is also breathtaking: “Trump 2.0: The most damaging first two weeks in presidential history,” began a Washington Post column by Ruth Marcus. “This Isn’t reform; it’s sabotage” went one by David Wallace-Wells in the New York Times. Yuval Levin speaking on Ezra Klein’s show talked about the “breakage” of the Constitution. Law professors are having a high-time being quoted as saying that Trump is leading a “coup” and conducting a “blitzkrieg on the law” (Nazi analogies are never far from the front of mind, if not the front of war).