^^ One of the many reasons why we love ya, Bar. #relentless

Which reminds me...

^^ One of the many reasons why we love ya, Bar. #relentless

Which reminds me...

Here is an interesting article - Fraudney's name is mentioned several times regarding senior University administrators enabling Sandusky in 1998 with a sweetheart retirement package he didn't deserve and repeatedly AFTER his retirement including asking him to be the commencement speaker for the College of Health & Human Services in 2007 (also paying him to be a presenter/speaker at the Penn State Leadership Conference???). See link below:

Freeh report: Jerry Sandusky's retirement benefits played a role in sex crimes
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"An Aug. 7 email from Najjar to Shapiro addressed the Penn State sanctions.

"The Penn State deal is a travesty," he wrote. "The NCAA did not impose anything. Penn State agreed to and self-imposed the penalties, waved all due process and waived any right to appeal. The NCAA had/has NO authority to impose any penalties in that situation and PSU's president sold the school down the river!"

The sanctions included a four-year bowl ban, massive scholarship reductions and a $60 million fine. or @ByCasagrande on Twitter."