Mad Toilet Abuser Strikes!

My deceased nephew's mother's boyfriend did it one better. Gets blindly drunk, goes into BR somewhere in middle of night. The lid and seat are down. Sits on lid, craps all over commode, himself and floor. Then instead of using TP to clean himself, uses good towels and and curtains. Found the next morning on couch with dried crap all over him and couch.
My deceased nephew's mother's boyfriend did it one better. Gets blindly drunk, goes into BR somewhere in middle of night. The lid and seat are down. Sits on lid, craps all over commode, himself and floor. Then instead of using TP to clean himself, uses good towels and and curtains. Found the next morning on couch with dried crap all over him and couch.
Was he a Pitt grad?
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Maybe he was related to this guy who was drunk and stupid back in 2010. The incident in my linked article happened just a few miles from the incident in the OP. Maybe those Brookville, PA, drunks should cut back on the booze.


There was an idiot in Bethel Park around 10 years ago that was keeping a dead deer in his bathtub to "have his way with it". Police were notified by neighbors complaining of a bad smell emanating from his house.
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My deceased nephew's mother's boyfriend did it one better. Gets blindly drunk, goes into BR somewhere in middle of night. The lid and seat are down. Sits on lid, craps all over commode, himself and floor. Then instead of using TP to clean himself, uses good towels and and curtains. Found the next morning on couch with dried crap all over him and couch.

That says as much about her choice of men as it does him.
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