Maybe Franklin is trying too hard


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Gold Member
Sep 29, 2008
Mt Dora FL
"The other part of this is the structure head coach Jim Harbaugh put together for the week of practice: game Saturday, off Sunday and Monday, all out Tuesday through Thursday, and rest Friday before the next game.Oct 18," Google. Harbaugh's Catholic upbringing and life seems to have helped his team. PS Sabboth means day of rest. It could be any day of the week.
"The other part of this is the structure head coach Jim Harbaugh put together for the week of practice: game Saturday, off Sunday and Monday, all out Tuesday through Thursday, and rest Friday before the next game.Oct 18," Google. Harbaugh's Catholic upbringing and life seems to have helped his team. PS Sabboth means day of rest. It could be any day of the week.
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"The other part of this is the structure head coach Jim Harbaugh put together for the week of practice: game Saturday, off Sunday and Monday, all out Tuesday through Thursday, and rest Friday before the next game.Oct 18," Google. Harbaugh's Catholic upbringing and life seems to have helped his team. PS Sabboth means day of rest. It could be any day of the week.
Harbaugh is a liar and a cheat. He has not acted like a good Christian or human being for that matter.
"The other part of this is the structure head coach Jim Harbaugh put together for the week of practice: game Saturday, off Sunday and Monday, all out Tuesday through Thursday, and rest Friday before the next game.Oct 18," Google. Harbaugh's Catholic upbringing and life seems to have helped his team. PS Sabboth means day of rest. It could be any day of the week.
The idle mind has no boundaries within the space known as reality.
"The other part of this is the structure head coach Jim Harbaugh put together for the week of practice: game Saturday, off Sunday and Monday, all out Tuesday through Thursday, and rest Friday before the next game.Oct 18," Google. Harbaugh's Catholic upbringing and life seems to have helped his team. PS Sabboth means day of rest. It could be any day of the week.
I am really impressed by the banality of every comment here. Whether or no these people are now employees, they are entitled to at least 1 day off a week. Maybe this should be impressed upon everybody. Workers work better with a little bit of rest. I ask everyone of you who responded to think. Would you want to work three hundred and sixty five days a year or seven days a week for months at a time?
Now for my real opinion. Yes, I do think that Harbaugh has higher ethics and more common sense than Franklin. He never threatened to leave UM while his team lost the big games. He HONORED his CONTRAC5, a document in which your signiature is your PROMISED word. Prove to me that forcing players to work 7 days a week has helped PSU win the big
games under Franklin.
I am really impressed by the banality of every comment here. Whether or no these people are now employees, they are entitled to at least 1 day off a week. Maybe this should be impressed upon everybody. Workers work better with a little bit of rest. I ask everyone of you who responded to think. Would you want to work three hundred and sixty five days a year or seven days a week for months at a time?
Now for my real opinion. Yes, I do think that Harbaugh has higher ethics and more common sense than Franklin. He never threatened to leave UM while his team lost the big games. He HONORED his CONTRAC5, a document in which your signiature is your PROMISED word. Prove to me that forcing players to work 7 days a week has helped PSU win the big
games under Franklin.
Holy crap, there is so much wrong in this that I don’t know where to begin. Wow. My main question is when has Franklin not honored his contract?
I am really impressed by the banality of every comment here. Whether or no these people are now employees, they are entitled to at least 1 day off a week. Maybe this should be impressed upon everybody. Workers work better with a little bit of rest. I ask everyone of you who responded to think. Would you want to work three hundred and sixty five days a year or seven days a week for months at a time?
Now for my real opinion. Yes, I do think that Harbaugh has higher ethics and more common sense than Franklin. He never threatened to leave UM while his team lost the big games. He HONORED his CONTRAC5, a document in which your signiature is your PROMISED word. Prove to me that forcing players to work 7 days a week has helped PSU win the big
games under Franklin.
You are out to left field on this. Harbaugh is a cheat. Also, he tried to get back into the nfl for years. Higher ethics than Franklin? You have lost your f’n mind.
Harbaugh is a liar and a cheat. He has not acted like a good Christian or human being for that matter.

I don't really understand where Mary is coming from in the OP...and I also take second place to nobody in my hatred of all things Michigan.

As for Harbaugh himself, I confess to mixed feelings. He's an odd duck with an abrasive personality and a knack for pissing people an apparent willingness to break the rules.

Also, keep in mind that his tenure at Michigan was not all that amazing during his first seven years there. A lot of fans wanted his ass fired, in fact.

By strange coincidence, his breakthrough happened when the low-level schmuck on the Michigan sidelines devised a scheme to steal opponents' signs.

In his favor, he has been successful wherever he's coached. Off the field, he has deeply felt, even if unfashionable, opinions on some non-sports issues and is not afraid to express them.

Also, a few years ago he donated his contract bonus money to lower-level employees in Michigan's athletic department who had seen their pay cut due to Covid shutdowns. You don't see that very often.

He's a complicated character, but I for one am glad he's gone from Michigan. Much rather take my chances with Sherrone Moore at the helm there.
I don't really understand where Mary is coming from in the OP...and I also take second place to nobody in my hatred of all things Michigan.

As for Harbaugh himself, I confess to mixed feelings. He's an odd duck with an abrasive personality and a knack for pissing people an apparent willingness to break the rules.

Also, keep in mind that his tenure at Michigan was not all that amazing during his first seven years there. A lot of fans wanted his ass fired, in fact.

By strange coincidence, his breakthrough happened when the low-level schmuck on the Michigan sidelines devised a scheme to steal opponents' signs.

In his favor, he has been successful wherever he's coached. Off the field, he has deeply felt, even if unfashionable, opinions on some non-sports issues and is not afraid to express them.

Also, a few years ago he donated his contract bonus money to lower-level employees in Michigan's athletic department who had seen their pay cut due to Covid shutdowns. You don't see that very often.

He's a complicated character, but I for one am glad he's gone from Michigan. Much rather take my chances with Sherrone Moore at the helm there.
Just Mary excusing his actions and behavior because he's a "good catholic"
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone. We are all sinners.
Where is the requisite repentance with your risen Angel Horribaugh? Or, is he just saved because....
Your first post is unsalvageable. Sometimes it is best just to leave the bad words go..
Where is the requisite repentance with your risen Angel Horribaugh? Or, is he just saved because....
Your first post is unsalvageable. Sometimes it is best just to leave the bad words go..
Mary cannot answer right now. She is too busy worshipping her false idol statue of Jimmy Hairball on the Sabbath.
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I think that more often than not, Mary is bored and just wants to stir the pot. Deep down, I think she is a good person.
Yep, she has an evangelist zeal for spreading the word. Her OP was a way to do so masked as football content. Sorta ‘Michigan was rewarded because they kept the Sabbath holy’.
I am really impressed by the banality of every comment here. Whether or no these people are now employees, they are entitled to at least 1 day off a week. Maybe this should be impressed upon everybody. Workers work better with a little bit of rest. I ask everyone of you who responded to think. Would you want to work three hundred and sixty five days a year or seven days a week for months at a time?
Now for my real opinion. Yes, I do think that Harbaugh has higher ethics and more common sense than Franklin. He never threatened to leave UM while his team lost the big games. He HONORED his CONTRAC5, a document in which your signiature is your PROMISED word. Prove to me that forcing players to work 7 days a week has helped PSU win the big
games under Franklin.
It is a complete line of bs saying harbaugh has higher ethics. He has been caught cheating numerous times. You. Can say he is a better coach but he is in no way a better human. Go talk on michigans website and leave here.
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Near the top of the list of what is wrong with college sports is this; threatening to leave your job and demanding a raise while you are losing SEVEN GAMES that season. I like James, but that was a very bad look.
It is a complete line of bs saying harbaugh has higher ethics. He has been caught cheating numerous times. You. Can say he is a better coach but he is in no way a better human. Go talk on michigans website and leave here.
Nearly every baseball team attempts to steal signs and have always done so. Do we have to hate all of them too?
My opinion remains. Penn State football players would perform better if allowed at least one day per week off. I count "deep down she is a good person" as a blessing Spin Meister. "Count it a blessing when you are belittled for following God's instructions". I would be surprised if I am the only person who is disappointed about the status and direction of college sports. The bad guys have won. The good guys have been vanquished and forced into a ridiculous $ settlement, IMHO, the fairest thing would be to dismantle college sports. Use part of any savings on need based scholarships.
Keep the big sports as club sports with paid employees.
Near the top of the list of what is wrong with college sports is this; threatening to leave your job and demanding a raise while you are losing SEVEN GAMES that season. I like James, but that was a very bad look.

Nearly every baseball team attempts to steal signs and have always done so. Do we have to hate all of them too?
My opinion remains. Penn State football players would perform better if allowed at least one day per week off. I count "deep down she is a good person" as a blessing Spin Meister. "Count it a blessing when you are belittled for following God's instructions". I would be surprised if I am the only person who is disappointed about the status and direction of college sports. The bad guys have won. The good guys have been vanquished and forced into a ridiculous $ settlement, IMHO, the fairest thing would be to dismantle college sports. Use part of any savings on need based scholarships.
Keep the big sports as club sports with paid employees.

"Stealing signs" isn't cheating, Mary. It's part of the game. It's not against the rules. That's why no one chastises teams or players for doing so, if they're successful. However, stealing signs by prohibited means, such as utilizing video and then ... oh, you know, banging on trash cans to relay the ill-begotten signals ... that IS cheating, and it's strictly and expressly forbidden ... and, yes, if we are good and moral people, we have to hate what they are doing when they are illegally cheating.

You failed here.

I don't know if Franklin does or does not give the boys a day off. I do know that, if he doesn't, and he's within the rules, that's fine. I may or may not agree with that schedule, but he's operating within the confines of the rules (again, if it's happening and it's allowed), I will not condemn him over someone who doesn't operate within the confines of the rules. Even if I would do it differently, for WHATEVER reason, I'm OK with his decision there.

However, explicitly and intentionally violating the rules? THAT'S a different matter completely. THAT is not acceptable, even if they believe something else that I believe in.

You, first and foremost, operate within the confines of the rules. From there, how you operate is up to you. I may or may not like it, but if you don't even bother adhering to the basic rules, we don't even get to that other judgment ... because you have proven yourself unworthy. Immoral. Untrustworthy. A charlatan.
Near the top of the list of what is wrong with college sports is this; threatening to leave your job and demanding a raise while you are losing SEVEN GAMES that season. I like James, but that was a very bad look.

Nearly every baseball team attempts to steal signs and have always done so. Do we have to hate all of them too?
My opinion remains. Penn State football players would perform better if allowed at least one day per week off. I count "deep down she is a good person" as a blessing Spin Meister. "Count it a blessing when you are belittled for following God's instructions". I would be surprised if I am the only person who is disappointed about the status and direction of college sports. The bad guys have won. The good guys have been vanquished and forced into a ridiculous $ settlement, IMHO, the fairest thing would be to dismantle college sports. Use part of any savings on need based scholarships.
Keep the big sports as club sports with paid employees.
Mary, you are digging a larger hole here. He stole signs by ILLEGAL means. Regarding baseball, we certainly do hate the Astros from a few years ago for their somewhat similar sign stealing cheating scandal. Harbaugh also violated covid era recruiting rules regarding permissible contact. He is a FRAUD. Harbaugh is part of the bad guys that you reference. You lost this argument in totality. It is time to abandon ship on this topic and stop posting after you had a few drinks.
Near the top of the list of what is wrong with college sports is this; threatening to leave your job and demanding a raise while you are losing SEVEN GAMES that season. I like James, but that was a very bad look.

Nearly every baseball team attempts to steal signs and have always done so. Do we have to hate all of them too?
My opinion remains. Penn State football players would perform better if allowed at least one day per week off. I count "deep down she is a good person" as a blessing Spin Meister. "Count it a blessing when you are belittled for following God's instructions". I would be surprised if I am the only person who is disappointed about the status and direction of college sports. The bad guys have won. The good guys have been vanquished and forced into a ridiculous $ settlement, IMHO, the fairest thing would be to dismantle college sports. Use part of any savings on need based scholarships.
Keep the big sports as club sports with paid employees.
Every team gets one day off per week, it’s in the NCAA rules.
"The other part of this is the structure head coach Jim Harbaugh put together for the week of practice: game Saturday, off Sunday and Monday, all out Tuesday through Thursday, and rest Friday before the next game.Oct 18," Google. Harbaugh's Catholic upbringing and life seems to have helped his team. PS Sabboth means day of rest. It could be any day of the week.
Always throwing religion into your nit wit comments.