MBB Playing in B1G Tourny Now vs. NEB (ESPN2)

PSU has 6 blocks in first 11 minutes but too many sloppy offensive and rebounding fouls. Decent shooting and plays but bunch of turnovers.

This post was edited on 3/11 4:59 PM by nitlion93
Announcers: "some questionable calls" and "PSU does not get treated like the other teams and Chambers was right in speaking out against refs to try to get respect."
93- can you put those comments in some sort of context? Was this just an off the cuff comment based on the prior bad calls or was there something new in the game today?
money grubbing conference tournaments

when will the fans wake up and realize they are being fleeced?
Ok- I freely admit I have not watched a lot of Penn State basketball this year but just turned on the game and watched the last few minutes. This team is just bad. They are out of position, they don't help one another on defense, and they make ridiculous fouls. They're lucky to be winning 34-29 at the half.
Great possession for PSU with 45 seconds left in the half. So typical. Hold the ball...... nooooo hurry up!!!!!........well someone throw it up........oh nevermind.
Yeah, that was kind of comical and frustrating at the same time. Both teams were kind of out of control throwing up shots left and right and Chambers tells the team to slow down after they grab a rebound. Then the guard is so clueless and walking so slowly that Chambers has to yell at him to get over half court and not get a 10 second call. This is stuff that is so basic. I now have a better feel for the pain the bball fans have been posting about this year. ;)
00- nothing major happened but when a couple ticky tack calls were made, they just started discussing it. They spent a good 30-60 seconds talking about PSU's lack of officiating respect and one of the announcers was a former assistant coach and he said it does in fact happen.
Refs with brutal calls at around 12 minute mark. 1st DJ gets hit in head on layup with no call then that turns into an and 1 on the other side with a phantom call. Possible 5 point swing. Score is now 51-46.

This post was edited on 3/11 6:05 PM by nitlion93
Words can't describe this circus. Double teamed, no problem just dribble more.
Re: Getting what done ? Blowing a 15 point lead ? **

He's blind. I've never seen him post a bad thing about PSU.
Re: And Nebraska Goes On A 14-0 Run! *

And the double digit lead goes bye bye. Only up 59-56 now with 5:30.
Nebraska crushing us on offensive rebounds 14 to 3 and has 8 more points from the foul line.
I'm turning off the TV ...

Every time I start watching this team they mysteriously turn into a school-yard pick-up team. I don't understand everyone who thinks Chambers is the coach that will take PSU to the elite ranks.
Re: I'm turning off the TV ...

Originally posted by BGJeff:
Every time I start watching this team they mysteriously turn into a school-yard pick-up team. I don't understand everyone who thinks Chambers is the coach that will take PSU to the elite ranks.
Well I don't think there are many that think Chambers will take us to elite ranks, hell I'm not sure there are any that think
he will take us to average in the BIg10.
I think he gets 1 more year and if he can't do something then he's gone.
I'm not impressed with his in game adjustments.
Originally posted by nitlion93:
Nebraska crushing us on offensive rebounds 14 to 3 and has 8 more points from the foul line.
When was the last time we could hit a free throw? Back when Crispin, and Titus Ivory were playing.
Re: The boys are getting it done

I was out listening in the car on XM radio and 1 of the announcers said a Penn State free-throw shooter was 11 for 44 for the year. Is that true? That's in Hack- -Shack territory. Heck, I bet O'Neill was even better than that.
Re: The boys are getting it done

Yes, probably. I know Travis was around 30% before and is 1/5 today. I won't miss that.

PSU wins 68-65 after Thorpe hits both FTs.
Yeah ....

becoming elite is probably overstating the case. The point is that Chambers gets a lot of support on this board ... much more than he deserves IMO.