Merry Christmas to all my BWI friends -- Tom Corbett


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Aug 16, 2001

By Angela Couloumbis, Inquirer Harrisburg Bureau
POSTED: November 08, 2014
HARRISBURG - Joe Paterno "probably" should not have been fired, Gov. Corbett said Thursday.

In his most expansive comments since the child-sex-abuse scandal erupted at Pennsylvania State University three years ago, the governor said that Paterno "technically complied with the law" in dealing with pedophile Jerry Sandusky and that university trustees should have let the iconic coach end his career when the season did.

"They probably shouldn't have fired him. They probably should have suspended him," Corbett said in an exclusive interview at his residence. "He probably should have been given the last three games, not on the sideline."

This is the one that sticks out to me. For Frazier to play the race card on Bill Cluck was the most inane thing ever.

Bill was one of the leading liberal activists in college, and continued that into his professional life.

For Frazier to play race on Bill was, for me, a great indicator that Frazier has lost all touch with reality. Nevertheless, I am sure that his industry buds are preparing another award for him. They need him.
All you need to know about Corbett and his dysfunctional family was his scumbag son in law was working undercover making a hundred grand a year and was caught on camera pinching money out of charity jars.

By Angela Couloumbis, Inquirer Harrisburg Bureau
POSTED: November 08, 2014
HARRISBURG - Joe Paterno "probably" should not have been fired, Gov. Corbett said Thursday.
The back pedaling by Corbett still pisses me off. On the night they fired Joe, Corbett was on the phone reminding the BoT to "remember the children". That was obviously veiled encouragement to fire the man. Otherwise why would he even say it and how did it have anything to do with Joe?? Later Corbett comes out and says Joe probably shouldn't have been fired as if he didn't have anything to do with it. What a horse's ass Corbett is. My apologies to horse's asses everywhere.
The back pedaling by Corbett still pisses me off. On the night they fired Joe, Corbett was on the phone reminding the BoT to "remember the children". That was obviously veiled encouragement to fire the man. Otherwise why would he even say it and how did it have anything to do with Joe?? Later Corbett comes out and says Joe probably shouldn't have been fired as if he didn't have anything to do with it. What a horse's ass Corbett is. My apologies to horse's asses everywhere.
He's right in the sense that had he not gotten Joe fired, the rest of this charade might have worked. As I expect his involvement to eventually come back and hurt him in a huge way, I can see his point. I just hope it's sooner rather than later.
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Corbett IMO had to agree to supporting Joe's firing as part of the conspiracy with the key BOT members.
He needed to protect his agencies and himself, wanted to implicate Spanier, and The Ship of Fools had as their price Joe's Head. That is why after he lost the election, he mused that perhaps Joe should not have been fired. He was willing to take the credit (I told them to do it) when the momentum seemed in his favor. I think it is clear that Corbett and the OAG had no axe to grind with Joe.
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I think it is clear that Corbett and the OAG had no axe to grind with Joe.

Not sure about that. I think when the news conference with Linda Kelly went down and Noonan got up and started making pronouncements about moral responsibilities, his lips may have been moving but Tom Corbett's arm (I believe) was squarely up Noonan's ass. I have never heard a chief of a big department make statements about people's motivations and moral responsibilities. One of the investigators, yeah maybe they would editorialize something like that AFTER THE CASE WAS OVER. Not the commish. He didn't investigate the case.

Noonan was a mouthpiece for Corbett. I believe he was told to say what he did.
Corbett IMO had to agree to supporting Joe's firing as part of the conspiracy with the key BOT members.
He needed to protect his agencies and himself, wanted to implicate Spanier, and The Ship of Fools had as their price Joe's Head. That is why after he lost the election, he mused that perhaps Joe should not have been fired. He was willing to take the credit (I told them to do it) when the momentum seemed in his favor. I think it is clear that Corbett and the OAG had no axe to grind with Joe.

Didn't the OAG state that JVP was a cooperating witness who had conducted himself properly during the course of the investigation? You are correct about Noonan. My point was that JVP was the price Surma and Co. exacted from Corbett as part of the deal. Obviously Tommy Boy had no reservations about cutting anyone's throat to accomplish his purpose. I just don't think the impetus for Joe's assassination came from The Commonwealth. It was negotiated by the BOT.
Not sure about that. I think when the news conference with Linda Kelly went down and Noonan got up and started making pronouncements about moral responsibilities, his lips may have been moving but Tom Corbett's arm (I believe) was squarely up Noonan's ass. I have never heard a chief of a big department make statements about people's motivations and moral responsibilities. One of the investigators, yeah maybe they would editorialize something like that AFTER THE CASE WAS OVER. Not the commish. He didn't investigate the case.

Noonan was a mouthpiece for Corbett. I believe he was told to say what he did.
CorButt's hand was all the way up Noonan's behind and he was squeezing that trigger mechanism that makes Noonan's chin wag up and down. CorButt isn't talented enough to make his eyes move back and forth, however.