From the review...
Meteorologists refute media claims that Arctic storm caused by humans:
‘That’s utter bullsh*t’ – ‘Who is feeding the media this crap?’
'That's utter bullshit," meteorologist Dr. Ryan Maue declared on December 29, in a response to the Washington Post's claim that the Arctic event "reeks of a human-forced warming of the Earth's climate." Maue added: "Who is feeding the media this crap?"
Meanwhile Arctic sea ice extent is currently at a 10 year high
Big Arctic Melt Fizzles:
"One Arctic buoy 300 km from the pole reported temperatures just above freezing for an hour yesterday. Another buoy a mile away did not report any above freezing temperatures."
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‘That’s utter bullsh*t’ – ‘Who is feeding the media this crap?’
'That's utter bullshit," meteorologist Dr. Ryan Maue declared on December 29, in a response to the Washington Post's claim that the Arctic event "reeks of a human-forced warming of the Earth's climate." Maue added: "Who is feeding the media this crap?"
Meanwhile Arctic sea ice extent is currently at a 10 year high
Big Arctic Melt Fizzles:
"One Arctic buoy 300 km from the pole reported temperatures just above freezing for an hour yesterday. Another buoy a mile away did not report any above freezing temperatures."
The current warm spike is not unprecedented. Arctic temperature data shows three cases of North Pole temperatures exceeding freezing (32F) since 1948.
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