Evidently Rachel Maddow wants to see the color of ones skin and not the content of their character...... No wonder she's a darling of the left.
The left needs racism to survive.
The Left, of course, shouts “racism” shriller than anyone, but their actions speak much louder than their big mouths. The loudest voice is always the one people hear. But that doesn’t mean it speaks the truth. Look at what people do, not what they say. There is the true measure, and that measure, for the Left, is undeniable racism.
Rachel Maddow recently made the following observation: The GOP wants to "go back to the good old days where everybody was the same color."
Rachel, which was the party of slavery and Jim Crow?
But you say we don't want a color-blind society?
No, the Democratic Party, the Left, does not want that. And they are doing everything they can to prevent it, to divide America along racial, and other, lines. The Left’s “identity politics” is inherently racist, and thus they deal with people differently based upon skin color. But such is the source of much of their political power, and if they started treating everybody equally, instead of treating some groups differently, they would immediately lose much of their political influence. And they know it.
The left needs racism to survive.
The Left, of course, shouts “racism” shriller than anyone, but their actions speak much louder than their big mouths. The loudest voice is always the one people hear. But that doesn’t mean it speaks the truth. Look at what people do, not what they say. There is the true measure, and that measure, for the Left, is undeniable racism.
Rachel Maddow recently made the following observation: The GOP wants to "go back to the good old days where everybody was the same color."
Rachel, which was the party of slavery and Jim Crow?
But you say we don't want a color-blind society?
No, the Democratic Party, the Left, does not want that. And they are doing everything they can to prevent it, to divide America along racial, and other, lines. The Left’s “identity politics” is inherently racist, and thus they deal with people differently based upon skin color. But such is the source of much of their political power, and if they started treating everybody equally, instead of treating some groups differently, they would immediately lose much of their political influence. And they know it.