Mr. Brooks


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2013
Johnstown Pa
I rarely create threads on this forum but felt compelled to do so after this perfect night. I would like to thank you personally for raising such a fine young man that represents the University and it’s wrestling program in a way that makes us all proud. As a man of faith, it touched my heart that he gave all glory to God and that he appreciates the opportunities given to him by our creator. Again, thank you for sharing your son with us and thank you for being a part of our community here.


I saw this on another post and felt compelled to include it so as to tack on DGK to this appreciation as well. Both young men clearly represent themselves and their families very well even beyond the bounds of scholastic competition.
We have seen this before with Cael's PSU wrestlers (Zain, Bo, Nolf and several others) and I am convinced that their faith contributes to their success. For those who do not belief in God, the only glory they receive is what they get out of their success in this world. That creates a great deal of pressure at the pinacle of success. However, for those that realize there is far greater glory to be revealed at the end of life, that understanding alleviates some of the pressure. Success here on earth is not what defines us.
We have seen this before with Cael's PSU wrestlers (Zain, Bo, Nolf and several others) and I am convinced that their faith contributes to their success. For those who do not belief in God, the only glory they receive is what they get out of their success in this world. That creates a great deal of pressure at the pinacle of success. However, for those that realize there is far greater glory to be revealed at the end of life, that understanding alleviates some of the pressure. Success here on earth is not what defines us.

Some are "old school" and realize that attitude and happiness are "inside jobs" that begin with gratefulness that Your Maker has given you far more than most and that you have an obligation to realize the maximum potential of what you were given for the good of mankind and the Glory of Your Maker, not yourself (whatever title you wish to apply to this All-Powerful Entity)..

As my late Mother (may she RIP) was fond of telling me (and all of her 8 children) - "Always remember son, to those who are given the most, the most is expected." (she was talking about Our Maker - we owe "It", God is not a human despite many's "anthropomorphizing" of Our Maker (God is an omnipresent Force or Power in the universe, not a Human), "It" does not owe us.).
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We have seen this before with Cael's PSU wrestlers (Zain, Bo, Nolf and several others) and I am convinced that their faith contributes to their success. For those who do not belief in God, the only glory they receive is what they get out of their success in this world. That creates a great deal of pressure at the pinacle of success. However, for those that realize there is far greater glory to be revealed at the end of life, that understanding alleviates some of the pressure. Success here on earth is not what defines us.
Aardvark jr remarked to mrs aardvark some months ago how his Christian friends were just happier than all the other kids at college. She asked him why he thought that was. He replied that it was because they believed in something bigger than themselves.
I was joking with my wife about hair. I said outside of psu wrestlers I root for guys based on hair ( after I figure out if it benefits psu first).
Your son has my haircut, obviously the best hair on the team . 🙂😎
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Lets also remember that part of this faith is also having compassion and sympathy for those who are hurting and struggling with ill-thoughts. Some posts do not seem to even consider those souls today.

I saw this on another post and felt compelled to include it so as to tack on DGK to this appreciation as well. Both young men clearly represent themselves and their families very well even beyond the bounds of scholastic competition.
These guys just don't talk about Jesus Christ, they walk, live and serve like him also. So very impressive and as a fan of the team and Jesus, I couldn't be any prouder.
I enjoyed the NCAA tournament this year but it came with an empty spot for me. A great friend from church named Ron Johnston passed away from cancer on Monday, at the age of 56. Ron was a passionate PSU fan and loved PSU wrestling. Ron didn't have season tickets but he usually made it to at least 1 or 2 matches a year. Ron and I talked many times after our worship services at church about PSU wrestling, recruits, meets and the like. Ron like me was always impressed with the testimony of so many of our wrestlers. I was saddened today that I couldn't talk to Ron at church about last night. Ron fought cancer for 18 years, worked out religiously at the Y and did all the right things for his health. Please pray for his beautiful wife Jill

In closing, there is something very special going on in State College with PSU wrestling. We are truly blessed as fans and as fellow Christians. Don't take things for granted but be grateful for all we have been given to enjoy. Thanks guys.
Agreed. Through the years so many have made reference to the importance of the Almighty in their lives. How wonderfully refreshing is that.
What struck me the most was when AB won Care came running over and hugged him and pointed up. That what's real right there. They both understood the magnitude of that victory and God was behind it. Love that stuff. AB is so humble even Iowa fans like him that is saying something congrats to AB and his family. I'm humbled by his gratitude for others and giving God the glory for his victory.