Mystery Solved


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2001
Recently posted, in SW FL saw a fellow with an interesting "I" ring. Thought it was Illinois, we spoke; he was a DB at Iowa, coached college and Pro's. Liked Paterno, in fact did a two-day seminar for Paterno. I never asked his name. Well today saw him in another restaurant, it was the ring again, this time I asked, Tom Hayes.
Recently posted, in SW FL saw a fellow with an interesting "I" ring. Thought it was Illinois, we spoke; he was a DB at Iowa, coached college and Pro's. Liked Paterno, in fact did a two-day seminar for Paterno. I never asked his name. Well today saw him in another restaurant, it was the ring again, this time I asked, Tom Hayes.
Pretty amazing to see the same guy a month later in a different restaurant.