NCAA has some changes coming

Files are from 2016, 2014, respectively.

Ignoring the fact that these proposals are years old at this point...I don't understand the point of this.

If the NCAA wants to have a dual meet tournament, that means I get to watch more wrestling, so I won't be complaining.

But what is this supposed to "solve"?

A five point difference between 1st and 2nd place? What is the point of that?

Since 2000, there have only been 2 years (2009, 2013) that the runner up was within 5 points of the champion.

A solution in search of a problem.
Ignoring the fact that these proposals are years old at this point...I don't understand the point of this.

If the NCAA wants to have a dual meet tournament, that means I get to watch more wrestling, so I won't be complaining.

But what is this supposed to "solve"?

A five point difference between 1st and 2nd place? What is the point of that?

Since 2000, there have only been 2 years (2009, 2013) that the runner up was within 5 points of the champion.

A solution in search of a problem.
The only point was Jammen baiting us into re-re-re-hashing that debate.

Don't fall for it.
The only point was Jammen baiting us into re-re-re-hashing that debate.

Don't fall for it.

Oh I know. But it's a boring Monday.

Also, Jammen doesn't seem to debate anything, really. He just makes some snarky comments and then disappears for a while.
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I don’t mind the drive-by snark & weekly reminders of Minnesota HWT past-glory, but, we should limit / ban Jammy’s ability to start new threads.
You already deleted my "KJ explains Cael's success" one.
Don't pay any attention to this part "The proposed timeline (Earliest possible implementation would be 2019):"
Given the dearth of implementation discussion, I'm evidently paying more attention to it here than the NCAA has since 2016.
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i wonder which will happen first... Jammy will realize that in 2020 this might actually help PSU (who without their 2 biggest bonus hammers might be a better dual vs tourney team), or that the NCAA will think about actually doing this.

Never mind - neither will happen.
Trolling aside, the NCAA is keeping this alive by allowing it to remain on their website. :confused:
Don't pay any attention to this part "The proposed timeline (Earliest possible implementation would be 2019):"

And in the last 3-5 much progress has been made? much effort invested towards implementing ANY of this? The 2019 Championships are over and yet....the progress towards what you posted has been.....exactly the same as the # of Minnesota Heavyweight Champions in the same time period. :)
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There is one way to resuscitate the Goofer thread: the Goofers becoming relevant.