NCAA Pool Tip Question


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2001
I won a bracket pool organized by a local friend of a friend. The pot was $2500 and wanted to know what type of tip to give to the organizer. He is very active in collecting/harassing fees from players so I feel something is warranted just not sure how much.

At the very minimum $100, but I typically tip 10% to pool organizers

....depending on how much works goes into it. If little to no work is required on their part, maybe 5%, but otherwise closer to 10%.
Depends whether or not they are going to squeal to the IRS

about who won and didn't file on it...
Originally posted by Lavar5150:

I won a bracket pool organized by a local friend of a friend. The pot was $2500 and wanted to know what type of tip to give to the organizer. He is very active in collecting/harassing fees from players so I feel something is warranted just not sure how much.

Are you sure he doesn't get a fee off the top from the entry pool?
I hate tipping for that very reason.

The question "What is the appropriate tip?" hangs over every damn thing. If the people that run the pool put work into it that deserves compensation then just have them keep a certain percentage from the get go. But no, instead we have to figure out what's appropriate and what won't offend someone and what isn't too much so that you're not throwing away money and setting precedent, yadda, yadda, yadda. What a pain.

In some other countries there is little or not tipping and the service is fine. In this country you gotta tip for everything. I've been in fast food restaurants where there is a tip cup on the counter. It's ridiculous.
Agreed --- why on Earth would someone tip a NCAA pool organizer???

If the guy wants $$$, just be fully transparent about it and take $$$ straight off the top.

Besides, how much "work" does organizing an NCAA pool involve?!? Virtually all pools anymore are hosted by Yahoo or ESPN or CBS Sports, et cetera. The websites do all the mathematical figuring, and it takes an administrator like 2 minutes to set up! It's not like the mid-1990s when I ran a pool at college, I actually DID do the figuring. And I took nothing off the top, I did it for fun!

If anyone says "well, the pool organizer has to collect $$$ and chase people down when they don't pay" there's a simple fix. Tell all the cheap-skates to get their $10 in before the first game tips, or else they're out. Period, no exceptions.
This post was edited on 4/7 12:39 PM by michnittlion
Re: I hate tipping for that very reason.

I just came back from Italy. Not a lot of tipping in that country, but then again, they pay people who live on tips in this country, a living wage, in that country.
Re: Keeping a % is a good way to get arrested in PA. *

Do you mean not tipping the guy running the pool is a good way to get arrested because he'll turn you in for gambling (although it seems that you could do the same to him in return) or do you mean if the guy running the pool gets money for doing so he'll get arrested.

Either way I don't get it. If you have give 5% back to the guy running the pool then just have the guy running the pool keep the 5% from the start.
Re: Keeping a % is a good way to get arrested in PA. *

I have seen pool operators getting arrested after keeping a % for running the pool.