NCAA Venues, Coming in December...


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2012
...will be the announcement for years 2019 through and including 2022. It is my heartfelt hope that many of you will have the opportunity to attend at least one Championship in your lifetime.

The last Championship held on a college campus was 2001, at Iowa. After a stop in Albany, NY in 2002, the Championship was held (in order), in Kansas City, St. Louis, St. Louis, Oklahoma City, Auburn Hills (MI), St. Louis, St. Louis, and Omaha in the next 8 years (2003-2010). None of these are East Coast venues, and not quite as convenient as we've seen since.

In 2011, the Championship was held in Philadelphia, followed by St. Louis, Des Moines, Oklahoma City, St. Louis, and New York City (2012-2016), with St. Louis and Cleveland planned for the years 2017 and 2018.

The point of the history lesson is that the NCAA Championships, from 2011 through 2018, have had more venues close to Eastern Wrestling than EVER before...Philadelphia, New York City, and Cleveland (a paltry 242 miles from State College). They may not be as far south as the Virginia Tech's and NC State's would like, but they're east none-the-less.

In less than 3 months, the NCAA will announce all the venues up for bid, for years 2019-2022, for over 60 Division 1, Division II, and Division III playoffs and championships. My guess is it will start with 2 for St. Louis (2019 and 2021), one Eastern venue, and one Midwest venue...we'll see. I think we've been fortunate with the current 4-year cycle.
With the emergence of PSU as the wrestling power and Ohio St also now being a significant power and the development of other eastern programs - the increase of wrestling's media coverage is not just a happen stance occurrence.

It would in my opinion, better serve wrestling to stick a couple of the tournaments in the east.