Need help! I no longer can access the premium board


Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Jan 29, 2002
Tom (or anyone else ):

Suddenly I can't get on the premium board, the Lions Den. It asks me to sign in....which I already was. So I sign out and sign in again.....and I still can't open messages or post messages. Help......don't know what to do.
Tom (or anyone else ):

Suddenly I can't get on the premium board, the Lions Den. It asks me to sign in....which I already was. So I sign out and sign in again.....and I still can't open messages or post messages. Help......don't know what to do.

Same thing for me.
I don't know what was going on last night (actually after midnight ) when I couldn't access the Lion's Den , but it's working this AM. Strange. It was later telling me to update my profile and Credit Card info WHICH raised some alarm with me.....possible virus or hacker?
Sometimes websites do maintenance in the late evening hours when the number of views is lowest. Usually doesn't involve taking the whole site offline, but it can on occasion cause odd problems. If they know in advance something may act wonky they'll put up a notice (or take it offline), but often the issues don't crop up until they push out the updates to the live site. Most companies will test the changes in a development environment first (mirror of the live site) but you don't always catch everything, and sometimes things works fine in the dev environment but break on the live site. I work with a few websites and developers, so I never get worried when I see weird things happening overnight. 99% of the time it'll be cleared up if I go back to the site the next morning.
Sometimes websites do maintenance in the late evening hours when the number of views is lowest. Usually doesn't involve taking the whole site offline, but it can on occasion cause odd problems. If they know in advance something may act wonky they'll put up a notice (or take it offline), but often the issues don't crop up until they push out the updates to the live site. Most companies will test the changes in a development environment first (mirror of the live site) but you don't always catch everything, and sometimes things works fine in the dev environment but break on the live site. I work with a few websites and developers, so I never get worried when I see weird things happening overnight. 99% of the time it'll be cleared up if I go back to the site the next morning.
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