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Mar 10, 2014
TNT x 2: Legendary Rockers and Wrestling Coaches Join Forces for Special Benefit Tour

July 9, 2017

Iowa City – Explosiveness will soon be “shaking the foundation” of a city near you, as the University of Iowa Athletic Department has announced that its famed wrestling coaches, Tom and Terry Brands, have been granted a leave of absence to join the legendary hard rock band AC/DC for a special tour to benefit the Hawkeye Wrestling Club. The tour is dubbed “TNT x 2” in reference to the band’s classic song TNT and the popular “TNT” nickname of the two coaches. The 6-week extravaganza will include live concerts in 20 cities across the U.S., beginning July 21st at Wells Fargo Arena in Des Moines and wrapping up on Labor Day at Kinnick Stadium in Iowa City.

The tour confirms the long-rumored return of frontman Brian Johnson, who was forced to leave the band during its Rock or Bust world tour in 2016, due to health concerns. At the time, AC/DC was believed to be completing its final tour ever, as the aging Australian rockers had been entertaining fans with their loud, energetic brand of music for over 40 years. Johnson, however, is excited to be back.

“This is really, really grand,” explains Johnson. “I mean, first, to be back with the guys and playin’ again is great. And we’re big wrasslin’ fans, too, believe it or not. Angus and Malcom got us into it back when the Iowa Hawkeyes were in the middle of that amazin’ dynasty. Been followin’ ‘em ever since. We’re hopin’ this benefit tour will help get that program back on top where it belongs.”

Continued Johnson, “The Brands brothers are the real deal, and we’re honored to have their explosive energy and intensity on stage with us. I think Angus might have his work cut out for him keepin’ up with those two . . . especially that Terry fella.”

The respect is mutual. “AC/DC is, well, you know – legendary,” remarked Tom Brands. “They have been a staple of wrestling team weight rooms for as long as I can remember. I mean, Dirty Deeds, Highway to Hell, Back In Black, Hells Bells, Playing With Girls, Bedlam in Belgium . . . Thunderstruck – Terry and I were working out to them all the time back when we were competing. We still have all their stuff playing in our facility, now. They’re the lifeblood of our lifting regimen.”

And the song TNT? Tom replies with a small smile and twinkle in his eye, “Yeah, we kinda like that one, too.”

“Look,” interjects Terry, “We owe a lot to those guys (AC/DC), and we can use all the support we can get. We’re really looking forward to this opportunity to play with them and grow the sport – especially the Hawkeye Wrestling Club.”

Fans of Iowa Hawkeye wrestling will be in for a real treat. Tom Brands will split time between drums and guitar. Twin brother Terry will cover vocals with Johnson. New wrestling club coach Mark Perry will manage special autograph and photo sessions with female members of the audience, and former Hawkeye tough-guy Mike Evans will be leading the mosh pit. Various other Hawkeye staff and wrestlers will assist with security. Reporting and administerial duties will be covered by Silly Wailer of BlowRasslin’®. According to its website, BlowRasslin’® has also obtained exclusive broadcast rights for the two shows to be played in Iowa. Hawkeye wrestling legend Dan Gable has been hired as a special enforcer to ensure that the stream feed is set up and executed properly.

Although a bunch of AC/DC classics will be played, sources state that the band has been working with Tom and Terry on a number of new songs with an Iowa Hawkeye theme. Stylistically, they will have a lot of variety. Some will be dark and intense, such as titles We Are Not #1 and Sharing is for Losers (a scathing reflection on the shared Big 10 Conference Championship in 2015). Others will be more uplifting and characteristic of the AC/DC sound, such as Moving Forward, On a Mission, Wild Man, and Back in Black (and Gold). Titles Orange Crush, Toss a Terry, and We Like Pancakes are rumored to be fun cuts where Tom is expected to really shine on guitar, and the gritty When Push Comes to Mush is guaranteed to be an Evans-led mosh pit favorite. The real experimentation, though, will come with two songs that are far outside the traditional AC/DC comfort zone – a slow, lamenting serenade titled Heavy on Your Head, Heavy on My Heart, and a power ballad called I’m in Your Corner.

Johnson cannot wait to hit the stage with Terry. “I think people will be very pleasantly surprised. I mean, most folks already know of his wrasslin’ and swimmin’ prowess, and they know he has a set of pipes on him when he’s barkin’ out orders over that Carver crowd . . . but, man, just wait ‘til ya hear him croonin’ durin’ those ballads. I had my doubts when I first heard the idea, but the dude can sing. We were all blown away durin’ rehearsal. Really impressed. Well, not Mike, but he don’ really count now, does he? Heh-heh.”

Asked what might be in store for kicking off each show, Johnson simply replied, “Ahh, there will be some fireworks, that much I can tell ya. We did consider havin’ Tom jump out of a pot o’ gold, but he’s already done that, ya know. He and Terry will be jumpin’ outta somethin’, though – I can guarantee ya that.”

Tickets go on sale July 10th and will be available through Ticketmaster, the University of Iowa Athletics Ticket Office, and the Hawkeye Wrestling Club.
Sweet. I already got my tickets. Guessing PSU Rings/spkyer will get several 100 tickets to make sure we can all go. :D

On a serious note the PSU women's vball team opened the season back in 2010 or so to Thunderstruck and they pounded on the back of the east stands out of our sight in time with the song. It was AWESOME.
TNT x 2: Legendary Rockers and Wrestling Coaches Join Forces for Special Benefit Tour

July 9, 2017

Iowa City – Explosiveness will soon be “shaking the foundation” of a city near you, as the University of Iowa Athletic Department has announced that its famed wrestling coaches, Tom and Terry Brands, have been granted a leave of absence to join the legendary hard rock band AC/DC for a special tour to benefit the Hawkeye Wrestling Club...

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Were you gonna unleash this new gem today all along, or did Silly Wailer (ha!) light a fire under ya? Either way, nice work again!
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Were you gonna unleash this new gem today all along, or did Silly Wailer (ha!) light a fire under ya? Either way, nice work again!

Ha, yeah, this idea had a lot of dust on it, actually -- about 14 months-worth, to be honest. Just never got around to writing it up, and then worried a few of the song-title references had become too obscure. Some more recent events had potential to add a little flavor to round it out, so I finally got it off the shelf and out the door.

Between this and the "wrestling shoes" thread on HR (which I recommend reading, btw), I've had an enjoyable trip down memory lane the past 12 hours!

EDIT: In the spirit of full disclosure, the We Are Not #1 song title was inspired by what I have long considered an all-time classic interview with Tom Brands behind his office desk (circa 2011, 2012?) -- conducted by none other than Flo. If anyone thinks CP was in a tight spot after the "You got a Plan?" interview with Cael, I wish you could see/recall that interview with Brands as he discussed the current state of affairs with rankings. You could almost hear the heartbeat of the interviewer, envisioning yourself perspiring and squirming in the seat across from Brands each time he paused between comments.
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Damn for the all talk about our obsession with you guys...I see "HWC" this or "Iowa" that threads all over your page!

It's okay, we like to have a good time on our page.
Damn for the all talk about our obsession with you guys...I see "HWC" this or "Iowa" that threads all over your page!

It's okay, we like to have a good time on our page.
Both obsessions make perfect sense.

We currently own the palace and reign over the kingdom. You guys believe that place in the hiarchy of college wrestling is your birthright.

Iowa had been king for a very long time. So despite Ohio State actually being the biggest current threat to Penn State it will probably take about a generation of winning before Penn State wrestling fans don't look behind us and automatically notice Iowa first. No matter their actual placement.
There hasn't been A Whole Lotta Rosie times in Iowa this decade. Too much stall and chill, not enough Shoot to thrill. Time to beef up the HWC, but Whaddya do for money honey? Rally the HR troops, they've got the jack, jack, jack, jack, jack, jack, jack - they got The Jack
I remember Mike being a tough as nails 3 time All American. And having an epic mustache i am forever jealous of.