New Member of the Family


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2016
Just wanted to share some personal news. My wife and I welcomed our first child, baby girl Kinley, on July 19th. I wanted to hold off from sharing until I got the newborn photos back from the photographer.

The newest member of the PSU family

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Just wanted to share some personal news. My wife and I welcomed our first child, Kinley, on July 19th. I wanted to hold off from sharing until I got the newborn photos back from the photographer.

The newest member of the PSU family

God Bless Kinley and your entire family. May she grow in beauty and wisdom, and live a long life, in good health and happiness.
Hello Kinley! Bye bye sleep! :p

I never understood this, and always thought it was cliche. Well, I am wrong and sleep is something that I only get during the week, while I am at work LOL. But in all honesty, she is already sleeping through the night, and my wife is the one to take her at night if she does wake. She is on maternity leave until the end of September. I anticipate my sleep totals to shrink after she gets back to work though lol
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I never understood this, and always thought it was cliche. Well, I am wrong and sleep is something that I only get during the week, while I am at work LOL. But in all honesty, she is already sleeping through the night, and my wife is the one to take her at night if she does wake. She is on maternity leave until the end of September. I anticipate my sleep totals to shrink after she gets back to work though lol

Both of mine hit the sweet, sweet 'sleep through the night' spot at three months. That ended at about 9 months for my daughter - my son is 11 months and he sleeps likes a rock.
I never understood this, and always thought it was cliche. Well, I am wrong and sleep is something that I only get during the week, while I am at work LOL. But in all honesty, she is already sleeping through the night, and my wife is the one to take her at night if she does wake. She is on maternity leave until the end of September. I anticipate my sleep totals to shrink after she gets back to work though lol

Many kids will have a short phase of decent sleep early in their life, only to regress later for a while. Actually over the first couple years of their lives their sleep habits can change on a dime. Who knows how this will go, but don't be surprised if she suddenly stops sleeping so well.

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Both of mine hit the sweet, sweet 'sleep through the night' spot at three months. That ended at about 9 months for my daughter - my son is 11 months and he sleeps likes a rock.

Fingers crossed that she continues to sleep the way she does
Wishing nothing less than the best for Limestone_Lion's family. She is beautiful.

Sleep is over-rated anyway - let the wife deal with it now while she is on leave. By mid September things should be better.
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As Warren Zevon said, I'll sleep when I'm dead!

Enjoy your beautiful girl all you can, even (or especially) when she wakes you in the middle of the night. Congrats!
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Just wanted to share some personal news. My wife and I welcomed our first child, baby girl Kinley, on July 19th. I wanted to hold off from sharing until I got the newborn photos back from the photographer.

The newest member of the PSU family

Congrats to you and Mrs. Limestone. It appears that your daughter is resting up for Akron. :)
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Just wanted to share some personal news. My wife and I welcomed our first child, baby girl Kinley, on July 19th. I wanted to hold off from sharing until I got the newborn photos back from the photographer.

The newest member of the PSU family

Times like this, I am reminded of "WWJD." What Would Joe Do?

Joe would teach her how to think on her own.

Just wanted to share some personal news. My wife and I welcomed our first child, baby girl Kinley, on July 19th. I wanted to hold off from sharing until I got the newborn photos back from the photographer.

The newest member of the PSU family

Just showed my wife
She said "Ohhh, she's precious!"
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My oldest looked just like her about a month ago.
Today, she has her PSU degree, her MBA, she's married to a great guy and they are enjoying life to the fullest.
Wishing you and your family all the best.
Time flies.
Don't blink.
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