Nick Singleton gets baptized.

Good for Nicholas!! Not sure why this announcement would lead to "bickering" or be construed as "confrontational'. We live in really, really weird times.
I hear you but some people are over-sensitive to ANYTHING. Just wanted to remind people that it really is about Nick and not them or their opinions on religion or wherever a discussion might lead. Some people can figure out a way to be offended by anything these days.
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Son was having a waking "nightmare" halfway in this woerld and halfway in dreamscapeland. Told me when he closed his eyes he could still see "it". It won't go away/

MPL: What does it look like
Jr.: It looks like Chase (Paw Patrol) but its got red eyes and its creepy and its just staring at me
MPL: Here's a what I need you to do son. First, tell the thing to "Praise the Lord"
Jr: Praise the Lord
Jr: It said "what?"
MPL: Ok, now you're gonna imagine a lamb- and dont be freaked out, but the lamb has seven eyes. This is the 7 spirits of the Lord that go out to the 4 corners of the earth, and it laid itself down as a sacrifice for us.
Jr: You made it go way!
(I didn't make it go away- HE made it FLEE. See, because it's not ready to bow down before the lamb, and it knows what happens if it doesn't, thus IT's gotta SCAT to some other dry corner of the dreamscape while that's still an option.)
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