Nicky Pushups Weirds Out.

Meh. That's about a 1 on the weirdness scale. You want weird ask @johnstownsteel about his wrestling matches with his uncle.

"He's making AJF seem normal."

To be clear this was hyperbole.

For the unacquainted. The last sentence is the money phrase.

Hyperbole (adj. hyperbolic ) is the use of exaggeration as a rhetorical device or figure of speech. In rhetoric, it is also sometimes known as auxesis (literally 'growth'). In poetry and oratory, it emphasizes, evokes strong feelings, and creates strong impressions. As a figure of speech, it is usually not meant to be taken literally.

It's distressing that wasn't obvious.

Post Script: As a fan of the Phil Hendrie show, I shouldn't underestimate the prevalence or severity of this public health crisis of chronic humor impairment.
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Watching that video gives me goosebumps.

The awful kind.

Poor Ole Nicky has come across as having a screw lose somewhere, many times in the past, with some of his video antics, not to mention the vacuous blank stare of a serial .....

To his credit, some weirdness is far different from being a real troublemaker like the three, ..., you know Iowa, amigos.


"He's making AJF seem normal."

To be clear this was hyperbole.

For the unacquainted. The last sentence is the money phrase.

Hyperbole (adj. hyperbolic ) is the use of exaggeration as a rhetorical device or figure of speech. In rhetoric, it is also sometimes known as auxesis (literally 'growth'). In poetry and oratory, it emphasizes, evokes strong feelings, and creates strong impressions. As a figure of speech, it is usually not meant to be taken literally.

It's distressing that wasn't obvious.

Post Script: As a fan of the Phil Hendrie show, I shouldn't underestimate the prevalence or severity of this public health crisis of chronic humor impairment.
Was he the one that had flash Fridays , or did he do the late night tin foil hat stuff?
Was he the one that had flash Fridays , or did he do the late night tin foil hat stuff?

No, he did a show where he was was both the interviewer and the interviewee. Had regular bits as "Bobby Dooley" an egomania petty tyrant HOA President and her subservient husband Steve. Jay Santos was a self-appointed vigilante. The "commercials" were things like Ted's Steakhouse, that had the jingle "we want to put our meat in your mouth".

The best bit I ever remember was after the Anthrax thing. Phil interviewed "Jay Santos" who was administering involuntary nasal swabs and when indignant callers called in "Jay" offered that he was authorized because he had an arm band and a pith helmet.

Phil's transitions were flawless, but the best part was the callers who couldn't figure out that the show was a farce, even with repeat characters.

Here he is doing Bobbie Dooley..

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No, he did a show where he was was both the interviewer and the interviewee. Had regular bits as "Bobby Dooley" an egomania petty tyrant HOA President and her subservient husband Steve. Jay Santos was a self-appointed vigilante. The "commercials" were things like Ted's Steakhouse, that had the jingle "we want to put our meat in your mouth".

The best bit I ever remember was after the Anthrax thing. Phil interviewed "Jay Santos" who was administering involuntary nasal swabs and when indignant callers called in "Jay" offered that he was authorized because he had an arm band and a pith helmet.

Phil's transitions were flawless, but the best part was the callers who couldn't figure out that the show was a farce, even with repeat characters.

Here he is doing Bobbie Dooley..

Oh, yeah, now I remember him. The guy I was thinking of was Tom Leykis.
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