NLWC Fall kickoff event question

creamery freak

Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2014
Last October the NLWC held a kickoff luncheon at Rec Hall for the PSU Wrestling team. The event was held on a Friday night, with the wrestlers serving a cafeteria style entree. Does anyone know if they are having one this year? I really enjoyed the opportunity to meet and greet the wrestling team members before the dinner and to watch the wrestling drills after dinner. Thanks for anyone who knows and replies!
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Yes, I am really going to miss this. I thoroughly enjoyed the event last year and it capped off a great day that happened to fall on my birthday. I beat my club pro in an 18 hole golf match that afternoon and attended the kick-off event that evening. When I later told my wife that this was one of my best birthdays ever she seemed less than enthusiastic since I was gone most of the day. I tried my best to make it up to her that evening and completed the birthday trifecta. ;)
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I wasn't going to be able to make it this year, most likely, but I'm sad it's not happening and hope it's just a temporary hiatus. It was a real nice event.
Yes, I am really going to miss this. I thoroughly enjoyed the event last year and it capped off a great day that happened to fall on my birthday. I beat my club pro in an 18 hole golf match that afternoon and attended the kick-off event that evening. When I later told my wife that this was one of my best birthdays ever she seemed less than enthusiastic since I was gone most of the day. I tried my best to make it up to her that evening and completed the birthday trifecta. ;)
after all that, you watched football on TV? :eek: