NLWC Membership List


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2002
I was just looking through the new NLWC newsletter that come today. I don't ever remember seeing Billy Baldwin's name on the list of current members but I noticed he's listed and marked as a contributor of $5,000 or more. Great of him to make such a nice donation! He may have been on the list prior years and I just never noticed.
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Many years ago my date and I were sitting at a four top at Zeno’s. These two guys asked if the could sit down and we started chatting back and forth. After some time my date asked the one guy “Has anyone ever told you that you look like Billy Baldwin?” He just smiled and said “I am Billy Baldwin.” The other guy was his best friend from High School, former PSU wrestler Chris Bevilacqua.
This thread made me think of a talented new high school recruit looking at schools and having the potential of Wrestling at Worlds or the Olympics. The donor list discussed is 3 pages long and has approximately 240 names per page. That would tell me as a new recruit, that the support is Here. This is the college and post grad system I need. The fans also do financially support my future through the RTC.

Such support would also resonate that the College team is supported and I don't have to worry about my college program getting cut in say my junior year.

As a recruit, I'm setting my GPS to State College.