No Temple talk? Ruhle might be the real deal. His team shows up

to play every week for four quarters.
They got blown out last week by South Florida. That killed their delusions of grandeur. Next year Matt will be gone and so will any hope of Temple's being more than an obscure football program.
They got blown out last week by South Florida. That killed their delusions of grandeur. Next year Matt will be gone and so will any hope of Temple's being more than an obscure football program.
He also has a senior leaden team that came together for one "great" season - by Temple standards. They are 9-2 and probably headed to a good bowl though.
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He also has a senior leaden team that came together for one "great" season - by Temple standards. They are 9-2 and probably headed to a good bowl though.
UConn upset unbeaten Houston today and Temple plays UConn next week. If they win, they go to their conference championship game against Houston or Navy. I say they lose next week, or in the Championship game, which will give them 3 losses in a substandard conference. I'm not sure where that puts them in the bowl pecking order, but, as you indicate, this was their best chance for a magical season and they tanked against South Florida. Too bad.:(
UConn upset unbeaten Houston today and Temple plays UConn next week. If they win, they go to their conference championship game against Houston or Navy. I say they lose next week, or in the Championship game, which will give them 3 losses in a substandard conference. I'm not sure where that puts them in the bowl pecking order, but, as you indicate, this was their best chance for a magical season and they tanked against South Florida. Too bad.:(
That good bowl will most likely be "by Temple standards" too.
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I was just going to say that. Right now they are projected to go to the Bacon Bowl Dec 22 vs Ohio.

Navy is by far the best team in that conference. They are big, and control the game with their run game.
Navy is a very good team and they execute that O with precision.
I was just going to say that. Right now they are projected to go to the Bacon Bowl Dec 22 vs Ohio.

Navy is by far the best team in that conference. They are big, and control the game with their run game.
Nate, I wish there was a Bacon Bowl. There should be, but there isn't. I believe you mean the Boca Raton Bowl. Considering their aspirations a few weeks ago, this is a real downer for Temple, but any bowl for Temple should be a big deal.
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Hope Matt Ruhle stays put at Temple!
I'm tired of all the coaching jumps and revolving doors in college football.
Let's see if Matt and other young coaches can develop solid programs at their schools like legacy coaches JoePa, Bryant, Bowden, Robinson, Beamer, Royal, Schembechler, Hayes, Dooley, McKay, etc..
The money will come if your program succeeds and would be well deserved!
Hope Matt Ruhle stays put at Temple!
I'm tired of all the coaching jumps and revolving doors in college football.
Let's see if Matt and other young coaches can develop solid programs at their schools like legacy coaches JoePa, Bryant, Bowden, Robinson, Beamer, Royal, Schembechler, Hayes, Dooley, McKay, etc..
The money will come if your program succeeds and would be well deserved!
There is no money, and no presitge, to be made coaching a team in the American Athletic Conference. It's unrealistic to think he would turn down an offer from any major football program.
There is no money, and no presitge, to be made coaching a team in the American Athletic Conference. It's unrealistic to think he would turn down an offer from any major football program.
27-10 beating and your bitterness continues. I thought Temple was going to lose 5 games?
He's making $1.5 Mil now and will probably get a raise. The coach of Cincinnati is making $4 Mil.
Who's to say that a winning program would not be invited to another conference?
Where was our program ranked back back in 1966?
We had some moments earlier with Moore,Lucas, Kauffman but the program was nothing more than a third fiddle program behind Syracuse and pitt. Thanks to a young assistant coach name PATERNO, who stayed and eventually build a National program, PSU was elevated to a National program.
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27-10 beating and your bitterness continues. I thought Temple was going to lose 5 games?
I am not bitter. Temple beat us fair and square. They were the better team and we have no excuses. Sadly, as others have pointed out, this year was a once in a lifetime season for Temple and they blew it last week with their blowout loss to South Florida (I don't recall you showing up here after that debacle). It's sad really. What is sadder for Temple fans is that next year the Owls will have a new coach and will return to obscurity. How very, very sad.
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He's making $1.5 Mil now and will probably get a raise. The coach of Cincinnati is making $4 Mil.
Who's to say that a winning program would not be invited to another conference?
Where was our program ranked back back in 1966?
We had some moments earlier with Moore,Lucas, Kauffman but the program was nothing more than a third fiddle program behind Syracuse and pitt. Thanks to a young assistant coach name PATERNO, who stayed and eventually build a National program, PSU was elevated to a National program.
You are talking an entirely different environment today. There is no major conference that would take Temple. Not one.
Temple is a damn good team this year. That's not a bad loss for you guys. USF has won 6 of their last 7 and their coach may be heading elsewhere as well.
Temple is a damn good team this year. That's not a bad loss for you guys. USF has won 6 of their last 7 and their coach may be heading elsewhere as well.
They are a good team. They are not a great team, except by Temple standards. Still, we should never lose to Temple, but it did take a Penn State guy to beat us.
You are talking an entirely different environment today. There is no major conference that would take Temple. Not one.
Keep telling yourself that. Temple would never get into the Big 10 but I can guarantee you they are not as much a longshot as you think for the B12 or ACC.

And for the record, the loss to South Florida did nothing to hurt Temple's chances to play in the Peach Bowl or Fiesta Bowl (wherever they send the highes G5 champion representative). Temple beats UCONN at home next week and either Houston/Navy in the AAC championship and they will play in that bowl game.

If they don't make it, they will still end up in one of the AAC bowl games against a P5 team or possibly BYU in Hawaii.
Keep telling yourself that. Temple would never get into the Big 10 but I can guarantee you they are not as much a longshot as you think for the B12 or ACC.

And for the record, the loss to South Florida did nothing to hurt Temple's chances to play in the Peach Bowl or Fiesta Bowl (wherever they send the highes G5 champion representative). Temple beats UCONN at home next week and either Houston/Navy in the AAC championship and they will play in that bowl game.

If they don't make it, they will still end up in one of the AAC bowl games against a P5 team or possibly BYU in Hawaii.
It's a catch 22 for Temple. The better the bowl, the higher the visibility and the greater the chance Matt will be gone next year. Actually, it probably doesn't matter. He's too hot a coach to stay at Temple and that's a fact. Well, that's my last word on Temple for tonight. There was some Temple chatter here last Saturday, but Temple fans were nowhere to be found. There weren't a lot of them in the stands today either. 31K for an important game against a ranked team. That's another reason Rhule will be gone next year.
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It's a catch 22 for Temple. The better the bowl, the higher the visibility and the greater the chance Matt will be gone next year. Actually, it probably doesn't matter. He's too hot a coach to stay at Temple and that's a fact. Well, that's my last word on Temple for tonight. There was some Temple chatter here last Saturday, but Temple fans were nowhere to be found. There weren't a lot of them in the stands today either. 31K for an important game against a ranked team. That's another reason Rhule will be gone next year.
These will be my last words too. Their attendance was closer to 32K and that was with few students as most are already gone on break. Unlike State College, people in a big city like Philadelphia have lots of other options instead of going to football games. You can check on Pitt's inflated attendance to confirm that. However, I can tell you that Temple's TV ratings this year in the Philadelphia market year have dwarfed anything Penn State has gotten (where they are supposed to be the college football team of choice). That is much more important for Temple.

And you may be right that Rhule leaves but Temple has an administration that is investing in athletics for the first time ever and they will be more than ok.
These will be my last words too. Their attendance was closer to 32K and that was with few students as most are already gone on break. Unlike State College, people in a big city like Philadelphia have lots of other options instead of going to football games. You can check on Pitt's inflated attendance to confirm that. However, I can tell you that Temple's TV ratings this year in the Philadelphia market year have dwarfed anything Penn State has gotten (where they are supposed to be the college football team of choice). That is much more important for Temple.

And you may be right that Rhule leaves but Temple has an administration that is investing in athletics for the first time ever and they will be more than ok.
You are really stretching it now.
How about spelling the man's name right?

But hey, keep dominating the state...that win over San Diego State looks great!
These will be my last words too. Their attendance was closer to 32K and that was with few students as most are already gone on break. Unlike State College, people in a big city like Philadelphia have lots of other options instead of going to football games. You can check on Pitt's inflated attendance to confirm that. However, I can tell you that Temple's TV ratings this year in the Philadelphia market year have dwarfed anything Penn State has gotten (where they are supposed to be the college football team of choice). That is much more important for Temple.

And you may be right that Rhule leaves but Temple has an administration that is investing in athletics for the first time ever and they will be more than ok.
You mean that out of a metropolitan area of 6 million and an alumni base of 308, 000, Temple can't draw 65,000 fans per game during their best season ever?
You mean that out of a metropolitan area of 6 million and an alumni base of 308, 000, Temple can't draw 65,000 fans per game during their best season ever?
Their fan support is pathetic. This was an enormous game for Temple and they got less than 32K announced. That means likely less than 30K in the stands and, as you say, it's their best season ever. Sad.
Their fan support is pathetic. This was an enormous game for Temple and they got less than 32K announced. That means likely less than 30K in the stands and, as you say, it's their best season ever. Sad.
I lived in Philly area and did work at Temple. There is no way they are ever going to be a significant football program. All the Temple alums I knew rooted for other teams. The campus is surrounded by slums and the facilities stink.
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Keep telling yourself that. Temple would never get into the Big 10 but I can guarantee you they are not as much a longshot as you think for the B12 or ACC.

And for the record, the loss to South Florida did nothing to hurt Temple's chances to play in the Peach Bowl or Fiesta Bowl (wherever they send the highes G5 champion representative). Temple beats UCONN at home next week and either Houston/Navy in the AAC championship and they will play in that bowl game.

If they don't make it, they will still end up in one of the AAC bowl games against a P5 team or possibly BYU in Hawaii.
