No Temple talk? Ruhle might be the real deal. His team shows up

Because 107k is so impressive!...Lmao

These will be my last words too. Their attendance was closer to 32K and that was with few students as most are already gone on break. Unlike State College, people in a big city like Philadelphia have lots of other options instead of going to football games. You can check on Pitt's inflated attendance to confirm that. However, I can tell you that Temple's TV ratings this year in the Philadelphia market year have dwarfed anything Penn State has gotten (where they are supposed to be the college football team of choice). That is much more important for Temple.

And you may be right that Rhule leaves but Temple has an administration that is investing in athletics for the first time ever and they will be more than ok.
How about spelling the man's name right?

But hey, keep dominating the state...that win over San Diego State looks great!

GREAT CALL ABOUT SDSU - how'd you know they were going to end up being ranked above Temple at year end?

SDSU hasn't lost since playing PSU.....Temple's lost let's see F O U R times. Guess Temple thought their season was over once they broke that 31 game losing streak!

A shame, you had a decent team this year. Coulda shoulda been better.....much much better.
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